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Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018 9:50 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Financial Times has an article on the enduring success and inner story of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights:
Bush was incredibly young — signed at only 16 to EMI — and looked like a ’70s magazine cover star, but she wasn’t static and silent. In “Wuthering Heights”, she wails and whoops in a high pitch, her melodies swooping and diving like a bird going in for its prey. Her song’s subject matter — Emily Brontë’s only novel — was also intellectual, and this teenager talked about it intellectually. “When I first read Wuthering Heights I thought the story was so strong,” Bush told Record Mirror in February 1978. “It was a real challenge to précis the whole mood of a book…and this young girl in an era when the female role was so inferior, coming out with this passionate, heavy stuff.”
Bush was captivated by Cathy Earnshaw, Heathcliff’s foster sister, and great lost love, whose ghost visits the story’s narrator, Mr Lockwood, in the novel’s third chapter. Bush said that her commitment to the character was helped by the fact that she was born Catherine, not Kate; her family called her Cathy when she was a child. “I found myself able to relate to her as a character,” she said. “It’s so important to put yourself in the role of the person in a song… when I sing that song, I am Cathy.” (Jude Rogers)
By the way, the use of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights in the Irish version of Dancing with the Stars is widely discussed in the local press:
Bringing some dramatics to the dance floor, comedian Deirdre O’Kane is flipped and flung about by Vitali Kozmin for their bewitching American Smooth to Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush. “Never mind Wuthering Heights, tonight you reached new heights, my darling,” coos Benson, before dishing out 26 points. (Allison Brey in The Irish Independent)
What to read if you are single on Valentine's Day on Study Breaks:
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. (...) What follows is Stevens’ brutal reevaluation of the decisions he made and opportunities he did not take, especially his decision not to reveal his feelings to Miss Kenton. Stevens’ story leaves the reader distraught, wondering how it is a man can experience a regret so profound. Perfect for the single person who wants to wallow in their singledom, “The Remains of the Day” has it all: gorgeous writing, Brontë-esque backdrops and people missing each other like ships in the night. (Shashank Rao)
And Daily Collegian suggests readings for Valentine's Day:
Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë
Her head may say “don’t date a man with a secluded attic wife,” but Jane’s heart says otherwise in Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel of romance against society’s standards. Though there’s an age gap and scandal and ruin, Brontë’s novel proves that love can bury strife. (Gabrielle Barone)
The Pioneer (India)  describes a meeting with the writer Ruskin Bond:
By now, most of us know from Bond’s writings that he has been a great fan of Charles Dickens, especially David Copperfield with which he could identify himself easily. Here he tells us that Nicholas Nickleby was also his favourite –“full of humor,pathos and memorable scenes”. It was in the winter of 1948 -49 that Bond, still a school boy, discovered Dickens in an old cupboard in Dehradun. In this book , we come to know about Bond’s experience of reading Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, and can identify with it completely.
It gripped him and he read it through a stormy night when he was a youngster.He read it again this year just to see whether it would hold him in the same way.And he discovered that it did! “Emily, the most gifted of the three Brontë sisters, in her brief tenure on this earth , had put everything into this one sizzling novel and left it behind to haunt posterity”, he writes. However, he does not give an extract from Wuthering Heights “You have to take it in one large dose, preferably late at night”. (Jaskiran Chopra)
Belper News reviews the film Phantom Thread:
Vicky Krieps is utterly beguiling as Alma exuding both naivety and spirit. Less accomplished at choosing her battles than Cyril, Alma refuses to be subjugated by Reynolds. Her belief in his hidden fragility is reminiscent of Rebecca and Jane Eyre. (Natalie Stendall)
The Sunday Times talks about the Hooked phenomenon:
Many authors turned up their noses at the idea, but for others, a captive audience of 40m is just too alluring. Hooked now has more than 10,000 stories in the catalogue. This is not Wuthering Heights; the cliffhanger nature of a text conversation that requires a tap for each exchange means horror is the most popular genre. (Danny Fortson)
The History News Network has an interesting article on which books did black people read before the civil rights revolution:
 In 1943 a study of reading habits was conducted in Beecher Terrace, a black Louisville public housing community. (...)
The investigator, Juanita Offutt, visited all 616 homes and interviewed the residents about the books they owned, read, and borrowed from the library. And when she asked about their leisure activities, the most popular answer, volunteered by nearly a third of all residents, was reading. (...)
Offutt compiled a complete inventory of all the books she found in residents’ homes, a total of roughly 1,800 volumes. Mostly they were standard romantic and detective fiction, Tarzan, westerns, children’s books, religious tomes, Sherlock Holmes, Rudyard Kipling, Louisa May Alcott, and seven copies of How to Win Friends and Influence People. But there were also some classics: The Arabian Nights, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights (four copies), Pilgrim’s Progress (four copies), James Fenimore Cooper (eight individual volumes plus his collected works), eleven volumes of Charles Dickens (including three of Oliver Twist), Lewis Carroll, Silas Marner (three copies), Madame Bovary, John Dryden’s Marriage à la Mode, The Vicar of Wakefield, Far from the Madding Crowd and The Return of the Native, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Moby Dick, Ivanhoe (three copies), Tristram Shandy, Gulliver’s Travels, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, Brave New World, Das Kapital, Thus Spake Zarathustra, and twelve individual Shakespeare plays plus two volumes of his collected works. (Jonathan Rose)
La Presse (in French) reviews the performances of Hurlevents in Québec:
 Hurlevents est un texte brillant de Fanny Britt dans une mise en scène soignée de Claude Poissant et interprété par des comédiens emballants. (...)
En outre, le texte se permet de belles envolées poétiques qui tissent des liens pertinents avec les écrits de l'auteure des Hauts de Hurlevent. Après tout, même si elle était un pur produit de l'ère victorienne, Emily Brontë, telle qu'on se l'imagine, était-elle si différente de l'Émilie de la pièce de Fanny Britt ? (Mario Cloutier) (Translation)
Il Giornale (Italy) doesn't like the label 'female literature':
Questo non significa che non esista una «scrittura femminile», anzi, migliaia di scritture femminili, come è infinita la femminilità, com’è infinito quel mondo che chiamiamo sessualità, che non è una «sfera» ma costituisce il sistema nervoso della scrittura. Come diceva Scott Fitzgerald: Pollicino, Cenerentola, ossia la donna, l’uomo. Che altro? Trovatemi un solo capolavoro che non abbia al centro la bellezza di una donna, l’eroismo (o la ribalderia) di un uomo. Alcott, Austen, le Brontë, Woolf, Cather, McCarthy, McCullers, O’Connor, Yourcenar, Duras, De Beauvoir, e ancora Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Achmatova, Cvetaeva, Szymborska, e poi Morante, Romano, via via fino a noi. Quante immense scrittrici! Ciascuna con la sua femminilità, talune più «uomini» di tanti uomini. (Luca Doninelli) (Translation)
Télam (Argentina) interviews the poet Rita González Hesaynes:
T: Finalmente, ¿qué autores y obras te han formado? ¿Con qué poéticas contemporáneas te sentís identificada? (Juan Rapacioli)
RGH: Estas preguntas siempre son las más difíciles porque dejás afuera a la mayoría. Leí y leo mucha literatura anglosajona. Le tengo mucho amor. Leyendas, textos religiosos, cosas viejas más que nada. Shelley, Kavafis, las Brontë, Whitman, ciencia ficción, cuentos de misterio e imaginación, como diría Poe. De acá, Olga Orozco, Anderson Imbert. De los vivos, sin duda Mary Oliver, Dolores Etchecopar, ese hermano cósmico que es Jotaele Andrade. Me aburren las poéticas de lo cotidiano por sí mismo, no sé si se nota. Lo meramente entretenido. Las poéticas de la distancia cool. Que las disfruten otros. A mí dame lo intenso. (Translation)
GraphoMania (Italy) mentions how Charlotte Brontë disliked Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The podcast Lay Back and Think of England interviews Rita Maria Martinez on her poetry book The Jane and Bertha in Me. Arthouse Cinema (in German) reviews Wuthering Heights 2011. Julie Sara Porter, Bookworm Reviews posts about Emily Brontë's novel. Mes échappées livresques (in French) reviews Laura El Makki's Les sœurs Brontë. Anne Brontë.org discusses Valentine's Day 1840 at the Parsonage.


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