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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
A fundraising alert in Haworth for today, January 27. Keighley News reports:
A Haworth church has embarked on a fundraising drive to collect enough cash to replace its worn out kitchen.
West Lane Baptist Church is hoping to be able to raise about £10,000.
The church's Reverend Chris Upton explained: "Our kitchen gets used so much by so many people that it is beginning to look and feel rather tired. (...)
Haworth-based historian Stephen Whitehead has offered to deliver a talk at the church, with funds raised from the event to go towards the planned new kitchen. (...)
Mr Whitehead's talk takes place at 3pm on Saturday January 27 and is called The Last Brontë – the intimate memoir of Arthur Bell Nicholls.
Nicholls was the husband of Charlotte Brontë, and also served as one of Patrick Brontë's curates.
Mr Whitehead will be including readings from his new novel, and explaining why he put Nicholls at the centre of the Brontë story.
This author worked for the Brontë Parsonage Museum for 18 years, and has written widely on the famous literary family.
Entry to his talk will be by donation, and tea and cakes will be provided. (Miran Rahman)


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