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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
A one-woman-show opening in Melbourne, Australia contains some Brontë references:
Out of Character
Written and performed by Cristina Wells
Dates and times
23/01/2018 to 28/01/2018, 7pm

The Butterfly Club
5 Carson Place
Melbourne VIC 3000
Off Little Collins St

Through some of history's best-loved authors, Out of Character considers how women are portrayed in literature in ways that are fascinating, hilarious and disturbing in equal measure. Considering some of the questions that have rarely been asked, what did fairy-tales really have to say? What would Charlotte Brontë have made of Edward Cullen? And what did thirteenth century women think about sex?
Taking well-known characters and authors, in monologue and music, Out of Character searches for an answer to what it is to be a woman and whether it is possible to break out of that womanly character.
From the Garden of Eden through to 21st century romance, women have been speaking to us from the pages and its time that we listened. 


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