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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 12:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Possibility of Taking a Walk: Jane Eyre’s Persistent Mobility
by  Trish Bredar
Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature, Volume 132, Winter 2017, pp. 116-129

This article discusses the role of physical mobility in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. Moving away from the critical trend of viewing Jane’s journey in abstract, metaphorical terms, it focuses instead on her material movement, specifically her travels on foot. These shorter trips function as a powerful source of agency and a structuring device for the narrative. As Brontë repeatedly links self-sufficiency and growth to her protagonist’s mobility, she forges a model for individual development that seeks to elude the constraints of a restrictive gender ideology.
The University of South Alabama. College of Arts and Sciences
'Reader, I Married Him:' Rethinking Marriage, Morality, and household affairs in Jane Eyre and Adam Bede
by Catherine A. Collins
July 2017

This project is an exploration of the treatment of women in the novel during the mid to late Victorian period. When read separately, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and George Eliot’s Adam Bede are recognized mainly for their utilization of genre; however, a reading of these twonovels together reveals themes that are vital to a discussion of the female condition in Victorian England. Through my exploration of Jane Eyre and Adam Bede, I prove that genre, while important in understanding individual nuances in each text, is not the only basis by which these novels can be compared. Brontë and Eliot create complex heroines in the characters Jane Eyre and Dinah Morris as these protagonists persevere despite harsh and judgmental social environments. While I do examine individual moments in each text that are alike in circumstance and motivation, the marriage endings prove to be the most influential and revealing moments of female agency because they allow Jane and Dinah to negotiate marriage on their own terms. Also at issue is the role of the Victorian patriarchy, and the effect of this patriarchy on Bertha Mason’s and Hetty Sorrel’s characterization as “fallen” women. Brontë and Eliot reveal gendered hypocrisies within Victorian society through their advancement of the female protagonist and the perceived physical value and commodification of the Victorian fallen woman. 
Wuthering Heights in the Franco Dictatorship: Analysis and Evaluatio of the translation by El Bachiller Canseco (1947)
Ana Pérez Porras
The Grove, Vol 24 (2017)

Wuthering Heights (1847), by Emily Brontë, has been translated into Spanish on more than one hundred occasions. The translation by El Bachiller Canseco (1947) was first published during the Franco dictatorship in an era of censorship in which the translator did not have specific training or any access to specialised monographs. This lack of training has an impact on the resulting target text; the translation did not succeed at transferring Brontë’s cultural legacy. To transfer it correctly, the historical-social context of the work would need to be studied in great detail. In the text, we are witness to the translator’s intervention, something that we can observe in the omissions, errors and examples of interpretative translation, which are non-existent in the original text. El Bachiller Canseco did not appear to know the sources of the original text, nor was he able to establish the line between his facet as a writer and translator.


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