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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018 11:02 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Brinkwire makes a summary of the Lily Cole affair which The Guardian mentions in an article about self-doubt:
After all, we still live in a world in which Lily Cole is sneered at for being “a supermodel”, when she was invited this month to be a creative partner in the Brontë Society, even though she got a double first from Cambridge. By contrast, no one has ever complained about the various opportunities thrown at Stephen Fry, from being invited to deliver the 2015 Oscar Wilde lecture to receiving various honorary doctorates, even though, for the record, Fry got a 2:1 from Cambridge. (Hadley Freeman)
A letter to The Times also insists on this topic.

The Irish Independent interviews the writer Alice Taylor:
Were you a great reader as a girl, and who encouraged you to write? (Kim Bielenberg)
My brother Tim encouraged me. He had us signed up to the local library. I liked the Biggles stories about a flying ace in the world wars by Captain WE Johns. When we went to Cork city, it was like going to New York. I went to Woolworths and got some of the classics, like the books of the Brontë sisters. 
Tonight on Sky Arts, a recommendation of  The Sunday Times:
The South Bank Show 40th Anniversary (Sky Arts, 9pm)
From the first show with Paul McCartney — staking out its interest in popular culture — there has been a remarkable procession of subjects: William Golding, Stephen Sondheim, Toni Morrison. “We were onto grime very early,” says Bragg, but there is also Laurence Olivier, describing himself as a “pompous little twat” on the set of Wuthering Heights; Morrissey, declaring the end of pop music; and George Michael, discussing his drug use. There they are, all made real, all captured on film — the show’s enduring legacy. (Victoria Segal)
The Daily Times (Pakistan) talks about the recent  OUP’s Contribution to Children’s Literature in Pakistan panel in Lahore.
Shedding light on the contributions by writers such as Kamla Shamsi, Mohammed Hanif and Bina Shah, Managing director OUP Pakistan Ameena Saiyid stressed that along with these Pakistani English writers, English classics like Shakespeare, Jane Austin (sic) and the Brontë Sisters amongst many others must also be simplified to the younger audience in a simplified and “abridged form”. (Eeshah Omer)
This praise to Peach by Emma Glass maybe goes too far. In The Sunday Herald:
Kamila Shamsie advises: “Choose wisely the moment when you pick up Peach; because once you do you’ll be unable to put it down until the very last sentence,” while Lucy Ellmann regards Peach as “a work of genius. So lonesome and moving, so gruesome, wry, tender and plaintive. It is the new Jane Eyre, and one wild, thrilling ride. Swallow it in one gulp, and carry a spare copy in your pocket. Always.” (Jackie Brogan)
Steven A. McKay reviews the Jane Eyre audiobook read by Thandie Newton. Catherine Reads posts on the written Jane Eyre. Project Myopia reviews Wide Sargasso Sea.

Finally, Library Card traces intriguing parallelisms between Eleven in Stranger Things and Jane Eyre.


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