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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 12:28 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Stage lists the best shows from around the UK in 2017. Including
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall – Octagon, Bolton
“Elizabeth Newman’s evocative production brought Anne Brontë’s proto-feminist story of flawed menfolk and the women left bobbing in their wake vividly to life. Thanks to some stellar design work from the creative team, the play’s haunting Yorkshire moorland setting almost became a character in its own right.” (Chris Bartlett)
Vogue talks about doll's houses and mentions that
In 2009, for example, a house decorated by Charlotte Brontë – and to which Walt Disney, the Mitfords and Bruce Chatwin had all undertaken pilgrimages to see – fetched £15,000 at Christie’s. (Jessie Burton)
Allegedly decorated by Charlotte Brontë would be more accurate. If you are interested in the story, check these old posts: this and this one.

The Guardian explores the radical freedom of writing and walking in the wilderness:
It was either Charlotte or Emily Brontë – no one knows which – who said, “I’ll walk where my own nature will be leading”. When we walk, we are fashioning a self. At once similar to and very different from our other, workaday selves. The rest of your life has no tension on the track, it can’t get you. You are encapsulated, apart, orbiting yourself. You fall back on whatever resources you have. (Kristina Olsson)
The verses belong to the poem Often Rebuked, Yet Always Back Returning which has been attributed to Emily or Charlotte depending on the authors. More information again in this old post or in this article by Ian M. Emberson in Brontë Studies.

El Diario de Coahuila (México) lists Wuthering Heights among books for Christmas reading:
Cumbres Borrascosas – Emily Brontë Esta novela es considerada un clásico de la literatura inglesa y su autora una de las mejores poetisas de Inglaterra. Es un drama trágico con los picos de amor, odio, venganza y locura que caracterizan a las relaciones de dependencia como la que protagonizan sus personajes Heathcliff y Catherine, quienes llevan al lector a vivir una apasionante y desgarradora experiencia. (Translation)
Göteborgs-Posten (Sweden) talks about the use and mostly abuse of political correctness in language. Sexism or blatant stupidity?
Branschorganisationen Svenska Tecknare tyckte det var dags att uppdatera till något lite mindre stötande. Som redigerare var jag då mot, av den huvudsakliga anledningen att det passar min kärlek till allt som doftar bahytt, Dickens och Jane Eyre att dagligen få användning för ett så daterat begrepp. Som skörlevande kvinna tycker jag också jag hade visst tolkningsföreträde. (Kajsa Bergström Feiff) (Translation)


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