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Monday, December 25, 2017

Monday, December 25, 2017 12:57 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Vice Magazine talks about the new Little Women BBC adaptation:
Face it, everyone loves a Bildungsroman TV adaptation whether they even know what the word means or not. An array of 19th century novels from Jane Eyre through to Great Expectations are consistently romanticised on our TV screens. But why do we love them so much? Is it good old-fashioned courtship, ostentatious period drama costumes, or the fetishisation of a time without technology? (Violet Conroy
A heartbreaking story in The Times of India:
I will remember the books we read (all that were in my bucket list) and will forever disagree with you that Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights is the biggest literary villain. I know you say that only to tease me. But think about it: You won't have to worry about me doing something wrong if I have an affair with a literary character!
Thought Catalog has a list of funny(?) jokes on film titles:
18. Wuthering we should have hired actors who weren’t deathly afraid of heights or at least made the Heights less wuthering. (Tommy Paley)
La Vanguardia (Spain) lists some of the 2018 anniversaries:
30 de julio 1818 (200 años). Nacimiento de Emily Brontë
La escritora inglesa nace en Thornton, en Yorkshire, Inglaterra. Era la quinta de seis hermanos de un párroco anglicano de origen irlandés. Poetisa y narradora británica, autora de una única y extraordinaria novela que le dio celebridad: Cumbres borrascosas (1847), considerada una de las mejores narraciones en lengua inglesa y la obra maestra de la narrativa romántica victoriana. Murió el 19 de diciembre de 1848, de tuberculosis a los 30 años. (Translation)
Colours in literature in Sin Chew Daily (Malaysia):
虽然英语中的red也有喜庆的意思,如“red carpet”(红毯)、“red-letter days”(纪念日及喜庆日);但很多的red则有专横、杀戮、血腥、暴力、罪恶等消极涵义。比如夏绿蒂.勃朗特小说《简.爱》(Jane Eyre)里的“红屋”,是女主角目睹舅舅死亡及她受惩罚的地方。在此作品的认知域里,“红”与恐怖、死亡联系在一起。而霍桑的长篇小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)里的“红”,则象征通奸及罪恶等。因此霍克斯对于“红”,多数是:No!(孙彦庄) (Translation)
Season greetings from AnneBronte.org, the Sezione Italiana della Brontë Society. Jane Eyre's Library,  Christmas in Haworth on I love Haworth and the Brontë Parsonage ...


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