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Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments

Jane Eyre Pillow Book
by BrassingtonHollow

Snuggle up with your favorite book! This is a pillow version of "Jane Eyre", by Charlotte Brontë. It's plush, soft, and the perfect addition to your book nook chair. Measuring approximately 8.5 inches across, 11 tall, and 4 wide, this book pillow is soft and squishy, but will still keep it shape while sitting up right. Open the fabric cover to find the first page of "Jane Eyre printed and readable! The inside cover also features a quote from the book, which
“Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do...It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.”
When closed, the edges of the book's 'pages' cushion have text from the book printed in old, faded text. From a distance, this appears to be closed pages.
The fabric cover is a slate blue-gray with a frame of roses. The roses start out as sickly gray buds on the bottom and bloom into full, plum colored roses as they climb up the cover. The front cover has the title of the book, the authors name, and a cameo of Jane meting Mr. Rochester for the first time on that fateful night. There's also details of plum, light gray, and blues throughout the cover. The back of the book has a quote which reads "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Made from cotton fabric and foam stuffing, this book pillow is sturdy, yet soft. It is almost entirely hand sewn as well. Hours of detail have gone into this book to create a recognizable yet unique version of "Jane Eyre". This is the perfect gift for your favorite teacher, bibliophile, or even for a child just learning to read. This would also make a great ring bearer pillow for a literary themed wedding!


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