
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Wednesday, November 08, 2017 10:58 am by Cristina in , , , , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News has further info on the public toilets saga in Haworth:
The Brontë Parsonage Museum is looking into building its own public toilets, but it is understood that if these are developed they would only be for museum visitors. (Miran Rahman)
Daily Nation (Kenya) interviews 'Kenyan poet, radio playwright, editor, translator, critic and educator' Kariuki wa Nyamu:
Most unforgettable character from a book? Jane Eyre from the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë! Goodness me! I’ll never forget her horrid experience in the red-room when she was locked up for countering John Reed! John hit her with a book, making her collapse and bleed! According to Master John, Jane’s fault was picking a book from the shelves without his permission and hiding to read it behind the curtains.
Jane’s words to John still ring in my ears, “Wicked and cruel boy! You are like a murderer! You are like a slave driver!” I can’t forget her lonely journey from Gateshead! The cold nights and all sorts of hardships at Lowood School!
I felt compassion for Jane as if she were a real little girl known to me… If she were a real character, and I’m sure she’s all grown now, I’d marry her, not for sympathy but for her heroism. (Gloria Mwaniga)
Badische Zeitung (Germany) interviews jazz singer Lisette Spinnler, who has set two poems by Emily Brontë to music.
BZ: Neben Ihren eigenen Texten haben Sie zwei Poems von Emily Brontë vertont. Was zieht Sie so an bei dieser englischen Dichterin des 19. Jahrhunderts?
Spinnler: Ihr Bezug zur Natur, der fasziniert mich ganz besonders, denn ich selbst bin sehr naturbezogen aufgewachsen. Während andere Party gemacht haben, bin ich als Teenager stundenlang allein im Wald unterwegs gewesen. Doch dieser dunkle Zugang, den Brontë hatte, ist eigentlich in mir nicht so drin. Melancholie habe ich erst später erfahren, als eine Melancholie der Schönheit, als Ruhepol und nicht als Traurigkeit. Ich hatte zum Glück noch nie Depressionen, ich habe das Sonnen-Gen geerbt! (Stefan Franzen) (Translation)
OZY has selected some 'great graphic novels by women' on 'teens, shape-shifters and ghosts' such as
Jane, the Fox, and Me by Fanny Britt, illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault
In this book, set in the minefield that is middle school with all its attendant social terrorism and body-shaming, an insecure preteen girl named Hélène finds solace in Brontë’s Jane Eyre, (who doesn’t?) and escapes into a world of mysterious foxes, fellow “misfits” and perhaps even a little self-confidence. Arsenault’s mixed-media drawings creatively render what is real and what exists merely in Hélène’s mind. (Lisa Brown)
Rebecca Fraser has a new book (The Mayflower. The Families, the Voyage, and the Founding of America) and a couple of sites - Macmillan and New Books Network) publish a short profile mentioning both her Charlotte Brontë biography and her years as President of the Brontë Society.


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