The new issue of
Brontë Studies (Volume 42 Issue 4, November 2017) is already available
online. We provide you with the table of contents and abstracts:
pp. 289-290 Author: Amber A. Adams & Josephine Smith
Jack Clemo and the Brontë Sisters
pp. 291-303 Author: Newman, Hilary
This article examines the influence of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre on the novel, Wilding Graft (1948) by the disabled Cornish twentieth-century novelist and poet Jack Clemo (1916–94). Clemo’s life will be considered before turning to the influence on him of first Emily Brontë and then Charlotte Brontë. The importance of landscape and religion will be considered in these novels. It will be argued that these themes are central to all three novels. This article will then turn to an examination of the poems Clemo wrote about the Brontë sisters: first Clemo’s two poems about Emily Brontë and one called ‘Haworth Keys’, then his two poems about Charlotte Brontë and finally his single poem about Anne Brontë. Particular attention will be paid to Clemo’s assessments of the three Brontë sisters’ works and his attitudes to them.
Emily Brontë's Second Novel
pp. 304-311 Author: Fermi, Sarah
Speculation regarding Emily Brontë’s supposed second novel has been rife ever since Charlotte’s and Emily’s names became known to the literary world. All three Brontë sisters had written or intended to write second novels: Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was already in the hands of her publisher, T. C. Newby, by February 1848. Charlotte’s second novel, Jane Eyre, was completed and published in 1847, and by late December of that year her third novel was struggling to be born, though it was making slow progress according to her letter of 15 February 1848 to W. S. Williams: ‘As to my next book, — I suppose it will grow to maturity in time […]’. Emily Brontë appears to have started a second novel, but the only evidence of this is in a letter to her from her publisher, T. C. Newby, also dated 15 February 1848. (Although this letter was not found in an envelope, it is folded exactly to fit an accompanying envelope addressed simply to Ellis Bell; the letter was almost certainly contained in another letter addressed to Acton Bell from their publisher. The letter is clearly not to Anne as it refers to a ‘second novel’, and Anne’s second novel was already in the hands of the publisher.) Newby replies to a note from her, now lost, expressing his pleasure that she is working on a second novel and he encourages her not to rush to finish it. But what was its subject, and was it ever written? These questions remain unanswered. In this paper I will propose a possible answer to the first question, that is, the subject of the proposed work. Although speculative and incomplete, my theory may throw a little light on the alleged novel. It all starts with a curious anecdote, which surfaced in Yorkshire in the late nineteenth century.
The Presentation of Edgar Linton in Wuthering Heights
pp. 312-320 Author: Tytler, Graeme
Edgar Linton’s comparatively poor image among readers of Wuthering Heights is probably due mainly to his being remembered as the weakest figure in a famous love triangle. Such an image is, moreover, sustained by one’s awareness of certain failings on his part, to say nothing of the ridicule he is subjected to both as a youngster and as an adult. At the same time, there is no question that Edgar deserves to be judged primarily by his relationship with his wife Catherine; whereby, despite the common supposition that she loves Heathcliff, and Heathcliff alone, there is evidence to suggest that, because quite heavily dependent on his support, she loves Edgar, too, albeit in her own peculiar way. More important, however, is that, through demonstrations of his own love for Catherine, especially during her illnesses and convalescences, Edgar seems to show a maturity that Heathcliff scarcely displays amid his passionate attachment to her.
Branwell Brontë's Alexander Rougue/Percy. Part II
pp. 321-340 Author: Neufeldt,Victor
Abstract: This paper is presented in two parts; the first part was published in vol. 42, no. 3, September 2017, pp. 190–210. The paper continues here.
The evolution of Alexander Rougue and his transformation into Alexander Percy/Earl of Northangerland was a lengthy, tortuous and sometimes implausible process that required a good bit of help from Charlotte. This evolution has been partially covered by Christine Alexander in The Early Writings of Charlotte Brontë, but, of course, with a focus on Charlotte’s writing. This analysis of the process focuses on Branwell’s writings. The analysis offers interesting and significant insights into the interplay between Branwell and Charlotte, into Branwell’s narrative skills, and into the formation of some of his thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Calvinist Humour
pp. 341-350 Author: Stephenson, Mimosa
This article argues that Anne Brontë’s Tenant of Wildfell Hall is, though serious, a comic novel that ends happily, is realistic in nature, and employs throughout the type of humour that Michael Dunne calls ‘Calvinist humor’; that is, it presupposes that its characters are fallen human beings who see clearly the faults of other human beings but are sure they are above such failures themselves. The clueless words and actions of the novel’s characters display the author’s dark sense of humour while demonstrating her quiet awareness, strength and wisdom.
A Brontë Reading list. Part 8
pp. 351-360 Compiled by: James Ogden, Peter Cook & Sara L. Pearson
This list is part of an annotated bibliography of scholarly and critical work. The earlier parts were published in Brontë Studies, 32.2 (July 2007), 33.3 (November 2008), 34.3 (November 2009), 36.4 (November 2011), 37.3 (September 2012), 39.1 (January 2014) and 41.3 (September 2016). The present part covers work published in 2014.
The Works of Patrick Branwell Brontë: An Edition
pp. 361-364 Author: Duckett, Bob
Mansions in the Sky: The Rise and Fall of Branwell Brontë
pp. 364-365 Author: Duckett, Bob
Branwell Brontë’s Creation: A Novel
pp. 366 Author: Duckett, Bob
To Walk Invisible
pp. 366-368 Author: Moorhouse Marr, Edwin John
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