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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Wednesday, October 04, 2017 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A new chance to see Anne Dalton's musical on Jane Eyre. Now, in Preston, UK:
Preston Guild Hall & Charter Theatre
ABD Productions: Jane Eyre
October 4--7
Charter Theatre

Phantom of the Opera star, Janet Cowley, and the cast bring Brontë’s classic vividly to life. With sparkling dialogue and beautiful costumes, this full-scale, fast-moving production is a “must-see” for all musical theatre lovers.
This musical captures the full emotional force of the original novel, appealing equally to those already familiar with Jane Eyre and to anyone experiencing the story for the first time.
Trace the remarkable history of the most famous and well-loved heroine in English Literature.
Step into the world of 1840s Northern England and let Jane’s fight against injustice unfold before your eyes.
Meet some of Bronte’s most finely drawn characters: sadistic Mr. Brocklehurst, embittered Aunt Reed, haughty Blanche Ingram, pious but passionless St. John Rivers.
Watch as each of Jane’s escapes from her successive homes, Gateshead, Lowood and Thornfield increases her self-knowledge and self-esteem.
Warm to her humour and honesty and follow the struggle of her unbroken spirit.
What draws her to moody, enigmatic Mr. Rochester?
Will class differences and his terrible secret tear them apart?
Further information can be read in Wigan Today.


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