An amateur production of Polly Teale's Jane Eyre is now being performed in Windsor, Ontario:
University Players
University of Windsor, ON
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë, adapted by Polly Teale
September 22 - October 1, 2017
Essex Hall Theatre
A theatrically innovative adaptation of the beloved gothic romance by Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre is orphaned, plain and poor, restricted to working as a governess in Thornfield Hall. But living in the attic of her imagination is a woman so passionate and fiery that Jane must keep her locked away. Polly Teale's adaptation beautifully captures the stormy relationships between Jane, the master of Thornfield, Mr. Rochester, and Jane's passionate inner self. Compelling, sensual and stark, it is a treat for Brontë fans and neophytes alike.
The Sun News reviews the production:
In this play, the virtuous but stern Jane is played with gusto by Lauren Fields. Her inner self is played by Alicia Plummer; confusingly, she also portrays Bertha in this production. I say confusingly because some patrons were unclear how to distinguish the raging “inner self” persona and the raging “crazy wife” character. Are they in fact psychologically linked in the mind of Charlotte Brontë? Having the same actress portray both certainly invites this synergistic relationship, which was intentional. (Clifford Cunningham)
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