
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017 1:00 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Female First interviews the writer Elisabeth Carpenter:

I love the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I had to study it in secondary school, college, and for my Open University degree, so it’s just as well I like it so much. Each time I read it, I identify with different aspects of Jane’s life. I’ve watched most TV/Film adaptations of it too!

Financial Review has some gadget gifts recommendations:
This thing is fast. If its transfer speed of up to 540 MB/s doesn't mean anything to the man in your life, then watching the progress bar quickly disappear when he copies files will. And as they say in the classics (was it Emily Brontë?), life is too short to be staring at file transfer progress bars all day. (John Davidson)
It doesn't sound like Emily, even a geek Emily.

Evening Standard interviews the actor Josh O'Connor about God's Own Country:
Is this the British Brokeback Mountain? The film’s mud-splattered sensuality and sparse dialogue earns that comparison, as well as to Yorkshire-set greats like Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights and Ken Loach’s Kes. Refreshingly, though, God’s Own Country resists both the now-familiar coming out narrative and the traditional grimness of the Brit flick. (Ellen E. Jones)
Christian Today (South Korea) has a Brontë mention:
영국의 에밀리 브론테(Emily Brontë)의 소설 《폭풍의 언덕》(Wuthering Heights, 1847)에 나오는 주인공 히드크리프(Heathcliff)는 부정적이고 악마적인 아니무스의 상(像)인데, 이는 브론테 자신의 아니무스의 표현으로 볼 수 있을 것이다 (김충렬 박사의) (Translation)
La Provincia di Varese (Italy) looks into books turned films:
Ad esempio, l’inevitabile riduzione della trama, nel film, e i cambiamenti rispetto al romanzo. Un esempio eclatante è “Cime tempestose”, forse il più grande romanzo d’amore della letteratura inglese, che nella sua prima versione cinematografica, di William Wyler, si conclude a meno di un terzo della storia originale, pur restando un capolavoro, e nella versione di Luis Buñuel , “Estasi di un delitto” (anche questo un capolavoro) diventa addirittura un’altra storia. (Silvio Raffo) (Translation)
RTBF (Belgium) interviews the film director Roger Michell:
Dernière chose, ce que j’apprécie dans le cinéma et le divertissement britanniques, c’est qu’ils aiment revenir aux classiques. Jane Eyre, Thomas Hardy, et ce livre-ci.. Comment peut-on filmer un film d’époque de nos jours, comment trouver un style pour ce genre de films ? (Hugues Dayez)
Je pense que n’importe quel film d’époque reflétera, qu’on le veuille ou non, l’époque où on fera le film. Donc, dans 20 ans, les gens diront c’est un film d’époque, mais c’est un film qui parle de 2017. (Translation)
Les Livres de George (in French) reviews The Professor.


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