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Friday, July 07, 2017

Friday, July 07, 2017 12:28 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News reports a modest grant given by Parish Council to the Brontë Spirit organisation:
AN organisation working to maintain and restore a historic Haworth building will receive a £250 grant from the village's parish council.
Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council agreed to give the money to Bronte Spirit, which looks after The Old School Room, in Church Street.
Councillors considered a request for funding from the group at their latest full meeting.
They were told that Bronte Spirit is working on a £1,050 scheme to replace a floor covering in the building's kitchen and toilets.
Council chairman Cllr Gary Swallow said the organisation had applied for £500, but noted the upper limit for this type of parish council grant is £250. (Miran Rahman)
The Weekly Standard publishes an article about Jane Austen on the bicentennial of her death:
One can cite authority from several directions on aversion to Austen. Madame de Staël pronounced her work “vulgaire,” presumably because Austen failed to appreciate the charms of adultery for persons of refinement. Charlotte Brontë dismissed her as bloodless: “she ruffles her reader by nothing vehement, disturbs him by nothing profound: the Passions are perfectly unknown to her.” Mark Twain said reading her distressed him as though he were “a barkeeper entering the Kingdom of Heaven.” (...)
The occasional flourish of quietly devastating wit enlivens the day, but Austen never falls into self-display, advancing her stories at a steady clip, steadiness being a prime quality of hers. It is no wonder Charlotte Brontë belittled her; the Brontës in their unpruned witchy extravagance seem like the Weird Sisters by comparison. (Algis Valiunas)
The Times reviews Spiderman: Homecoming:
Before he leaves, Peter stares silently down from a skylight at his friends below, frolicking in a swimming pool, and it’s one of the most touching scenes of loneliness and non-belonging since Brontë’s Heathcliff stared, in exactly the same way, at Cathy and friends through the windows of Thrushcross Grange. (Kevin Maher)
You know when the Brontë 200 Branwell anniversary has permeated into pop culture when you read things like this. In The Guardian:
And now we turn to the modern-day Branwell Brontë, Rob Kardashian: the brother whose talents have for too long been overshadowed by his flashier sisters. Rob has truly been letting his genius shine through this week by being what he has called “honest” on social media and what the law may well call “posting revenge porn”. (Hadley Freeman)
The New York Times writes in praise of Daphne du Maurier:
But plot alone can’t explain why we return to “Rebecca,” which even its most fervent fans will admit is cribbed from “Jane Eyre” (mousy heroine, aloof love interest, his inconvenient first wife, a very convenient fire). It is the charismatic, ruthless Rebecca herself — the vanished first wife, with her beautiful face and boyish body — who obsesses the narrator, and the reader. (Parul Sehgal)
We read on Network North Norfolk the claim that The Pleasaunce (at Overstrand on the north Norfolk coast) once hosted Charlotte Brontë:
“The property has a fascinating history and has in the past welcomed royalty, Prime Ministers and novelists such as Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë. Much of this history is evident for guests to enjoy.” [Centre Manager Phillip Orme dixit] 
 As far as we can remember Charlotte Brontë never visited the Norfolk coast, though.

Signature likes Netflix's Anne with an E:
Backstories, new plot twists, and even new characters are introduced, and the sing-song of Montgomery’s narration is replaced with the sort of roughness you’d expect more from director Andrea Arnold (whose “Wuthering Heights” adaptation pulled no punches) than a beloved young-adult icon. (Lisa Rosman)
The Cut quotes 25 women on her favourite books:
Patti Smith: There are two kinds of masterpieces. There are the classic works monstrous and divine like Moby Dick or Wuthering Heights or Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus.
Mindy Kaling: “Isn’t [House of Mirth] freaking amazing? I love that book. It’s so current. I think that’s what makes it so timeless. Listen, I freaking love Jane Austen, love Charlotte Brontë, I love stories about frivolous families, and you know, sisterly rivalries — I love that. (Julie Ma)
Digital Trends recommends Jane Eyre 2011:
If Mia Wasikowska ever stops starring in period dramas, we’ll probably cry. Her portrayal of the titular character saves director Cary Joji Fukunaga’s film from sliding into melodrama and turns it into a tantalizingly slow-paced, magnetic piece. Drama comes in the small moments, subtle facial expressions, and charged dialogue. Michael Fassbender’s Rochester is also stormy without falling into the trap of being absurdly so. When the film does finally come to its climax, the determined inner strength that Wasikowska lends to Jane carries her, and the film, to its denouement.
A passing mention in the Coastal Illustrated Magazine:
When we speak of the Romantics in a local sense, the poet Sidney Lanier is not far from becoming the focal point of the conversation. Much has been written about the author of “The Marshes of Glynn,” but what many do not know is the tragic love story that Lanier was a part of during his stay in Surry County, Va. While stationed in the area, Lanier befriended the Harkins family, the owners of Bacon’s Castle. He fell in love with Ginna, the eldest daughter of this well-respected family, who was known for possessing both great beauty and wit. The story could have been written by the Brontë sisters, with the beautiful prose of Lanier and the tale’s sad conclusion, as Ginna refused Lanier’s marriage proposal in order the help raise her younger siblings after the death of their mother.
Penguin lists influences of the crime-writing duo Nicci Gerard and Sean French:
The secret to creating a suspense thriller? ‘Torment a woman,’ said Alfred Hitchcock. Jane Eyre is not a thriller (though it has inspired thrillers, most notably Rebecca) but Brontë creates unforgettable drama and emotion by creating a doughty heroine and putting every possible obstacle in her path. A book that grows in power and strangeness with every rereading.
Bustle thinks that Wuthering Heights is more feminist that you think:
When it comes to the Brontës and feminism, Jane Eyre gets most of the attention. After all, Jane Eyre is very clearly the story of one woman growing into her own independence, while Wuthering Heights is... more of a story about two awful people who love/hate each other until they angrily die. But, I'd argue that Wuthering Heights is important in part because it has an unlikable female protagonist. So many great books star antihero men, so why can't Cathy be an antihero woman? Wuthering Heights challenges us to invest in the story of young woman who is not particularly pleasant or nice, but who is still a fully realized individual with passions and thoughts. (Charlotte Ahlin)
A blunder on Presse Océan (France):
A l'intérieur du CDI, des œuvres de Jane Eyre ou de Jules Vallès attendent déjà les élèves. Les chaises sont posées sur les tables. (Translation)
Diane Rehm speaks with Georgetown professor John Pfordresher about his book The Secret History of Jane Eyre: How Charlotte Brontë Wrote Her Masterpiece. Today at 12.00 PM (ET).  Finally TrailerAddict posts the TV Spot of Lady Macbeth:


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