
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Monday, May 08, 2017

Monday, May 08, 2017 10:06 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Yorkshire Life continues highlighting the literary locations in 'the UK’s top county for holidays with a literary link'.
New research by VisitEngland has named Yorkshire as ‘the UK’s top county for holidays with a literary link’. In its first ever survey of literary tourism, it found that 20 per cent of trips taken by book-lovers were in our region – home of the Brontës, Herriot country and Whitby Abbey, which inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Rebecca Yorke of the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth said: ‘The Brontë story continues to captivate people all over the world and the Museum is proud of the role it plays in promoting Yorkshire across the globe and thus contributing to the visitor economy.
‘We’re building on the success of Charlotte’s bicentenary year and are currently experiencing high visitor numbers. As well as visiting the museum, our visitors spend time in Haworth’s shops, pubs and cafes, which is great news for both the local area and the wider region.’ (Jo Haywood)
The Sudbury Star reviews the film Maudie:
As told in Maudie, young Lewis (née Dowley) is living with her aunt Ida (Gabrielle Rose) in Digby, N.S., and chafing under the woman's controlling presence. When she sees a help-wanted ad in the general store for a live-in housekeeper, she impulsively heads down the road to the home of Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke), which doesn't look big enough to handle a live-in goldfish. Lewis probably had to go outside just to stretch his thinking, although in the early going there's little evidence of that.
Brutish in the manner of a Brontë anti-hero, he barks at her from their first meeting, and in one cringeworthy scene hauls off and smacks her. (Chris Knight)
Il Messaggero (Italy) reviews Paula Hawkin's new novel Into the Water.
L'intensità delle passioni ricorda, a tratti, la penna di Emily Brontë, ma è semmai alla prosa precisa e fredda di John Banville che - tra i contemporanei - bisogna guardare. (Riccardo De Palo) (Translation)
El día (Argentina) discusses writers and dogs a bit imaginatively, to put it mildly.
La escritora platense Elvira Yorio, al aludir a la relación entre los escritores y los perros, reseñó que “Carlyle tuvo a Nerón, un perro muy peculiar que intentó suicidarse arrojándose desde una ventana. Emily Brontë tenía a Keeper, a quien admiraba por el acento británico de sus ladridos. (Marcelo Ortale) (Translation)
Didn't you know then? Oh yes, Emily Brontë admired the British accent in Keeper's barks. (Erm, not really!).

Nick Holland discusses Southey's famous letter to Charlotte Brontë on AnneBrontë.org.


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