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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Sunday, April 09, 2017 10:59 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
BBC News informs that North Lees Hall is on the market again:
A Grade II-listed hall that influenced Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre has been put up for rent - for less than some London flats.
North Lees Hall, near Hathersage, Derbyshire, inspired Thornfield Hall in the celebrated novel.
The Peak District National Park Authority said it expects to charge about £1,200 per month for the three-bedroom property.
It appears to be the second time the property has been listed this year.
Thornfield Hall was the home of the 1847 novel's hero Edward Rochester.
'Historic features'
Its real-life counterpart is said to have been visited by Charlotte Brontë several times while staying with a friend.
North Lees Hall is, according to an estate agent's blurb, "situated in spectacular countryside" with "stunning historic features of the Elizabethan era".
It has three double bedrooms, two living rooms, and, true to its historic character, also boasts oil-powered central heating.
The Daily Mail briefly mentions the Coming Home initiative:
One of the smartest shops in the land, William & Son, has produced a sensational collection of jewellery and bags to celebrate its patronage of the National Portrait Gallery – in particular, its sponsorship of the recent Portrait Gala and ‘Coming Home’, a project that will see portraits of well-known faces returned to places of significance to them.
Sir Walter Raleigh will be sent to Dorset, the Brontë sisters to Yorkshire and David Beckham to Essex. (Amy E Williams)
Also in the Daily Mail, country houses with literary connections to visit on Easter days:
Brontë’s spooky attic
Norton Conyers, Yorkshire
Adults £15, children 16 and under free with an adult, nortonconyers.org.uk The medieval manor is where Charlotte Brontë found the inspiration for the ‘madwoman in the attic’ in Jane Eyre (right: Mia Wasikowska in the 2011 film).
In 1839 Brontë heard the legend of a deranged woman – probably pregnant out of wedlock or epileptic – who had been held in the attics of Norton Conyers.
Don’t miss
In 2004, Norton’s owners discovered a cobweb-carpeted secret staircase winding up to a lonely loft, which bears strong similarities to the one that housed Rochester’s wife. (Gwendolyn Smith and Jo Knowsley
The boarding school literature analysed in The Guardian:
Novelists were telling of the dark and brutal times to be had at boarding school much earlier than the essay-writers. Dickens sent Nicholas Nickleby to Dotheboys Hall and Charlotte Brontë put the orphan Jane Eyre into Lowood Institute: at both of them hypocritical, grasping adults set out to break the children, physically and spiritually. (Alex Renton)
The curious story of a Bristol grammar vigilante is also discussed in The Guardian:
Long before him, Bristol’s tradespersons can invoke, as the grammar police will know, role models including Wordsworth, Thomas Gray and Charlotte Brontë. (Catherine Bennett)
The Sydney Morning Herald interviews the fantasy writer Samantha Shannon:
This is a story about the addictive power of storytelling. A child dreams of becoming an author; she writes every day after school, late at night and into the early hours of the morning. Her idol is Charlotte Brontë and, at 15, she produces a full-length novel featuring a remote, saturnine figure – her own Mr Rochester. When the book fails to sell, she puts him into the next one, a 500-page gothic fantasy set in Oxford where she is now at university. (Jane Wheatley)
Jeanette Winterson on modern marriage in The Guardian:
The idea of getting married, having a party, going on honeymoon, then expecting that huge change in circumstances and outlook to somehow manage itself, seems crazy to me. I don’t want to take my marriage for granted, because I don’t want to take love for granted. And marriage and love were famously, conspicuously apart for most of the history of marriage. Wuthering Heights, misread as a love story, is really about property and class. Look at how Heathcliff manipulates marriage to ruin his enemies. Cathy cannot choose love – she’s a woman and men choose for her – so she takes the usual route, and chooses death.
The Hindu discusses "the excessive zeal to think of cultures in isolation or as possessing immutable ‘essences’":
In a recent and fascinating book called The Islamic Enlightenment: The Struggle between Faith and Reason: 1798 to Modern Times by Christopher de Bellaigue, there is an interesting counterfactual that is posed. Could the most advanced societies of the Islamic world in the early 19th century — the Ottoman empire — have understood Jane Eyre? Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Brontë, published in 1847, about a young woman’s journey through life and love at the cusp of modernity. To “get” Jane Eyre, not just as a cultural product but also as a viable, believable story, the Ottomans would have had to “get” the social infrastructure in which the novel unfolds. This would mean recognising a post-feudal society, understanding institutions like the postal services or newspapers, and the idea that a “respectable” single woman could make life choices on her own. In essence, the embryo of the novel takes the womb of modernity for granted. The answer offered to that counterfactual is that unless certain material conditions are available, unless the soil of society is furrowed and tilled, certain ‘modern’ mentalities might not just germinate. In fact, the very conceit of such a possibility might seem absurd, if not inimical. (Keerthik Sasidharan)
Popxo lists movies you have to watch in your 20s:
Jane Eyre
‘Do you think because I am small, obscure, plain and little, that I am soulless and heartless? Jane Eyre, adapted from Charlotte Brontë’s much-loved novel, is about a headstrong, young woman who is painfully aware of her physical appearance as she is of her limited means. She is a governess at Mr Rochester’s house, who is a prick for being already married and playing hard-to-get and breaking poor Jane’s heart. Sorry for the spoiler but watch this one for its strong protagonist who lives by her own values and in the end does get what she wants. (Amrita Paul)
The Movie Waffler reviews William Oldroyd's Lady Macbeth:
It may be set in the 19th century, but Oldroyd's film is as much influenced by mid 20th century film noir as classic literature. If Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights enjoyed a romp in the hay with John M Stahl's Technicolor thriller Leave Her to Heaven, the resulting lovechild would probably resemble Lady Macbeth. (Eric Hillis)
The new season of the Théâtre Denise Pelletier (in Montreal, Canada) includes a sort of adaptation of Wuthering Heights. As read in Pathwhite:
Lorsque Claude Poissant demande à Fanny Britt quelle œuvre de répertoire l’habite encore, elle répond Les Hauts de Hurlevent d’Emily Brontë. Pour la dramaturge, romancière et essayiste, il n’est cependant pas question d’adapter l’œuvre, mais de créer une pièce qui se passe en plein cœur de la ville, et dont les héroïnes sont aussi passionnées qu’elle par cette œuvre. Ainsi, 170 ans après le roman, naît Hurlevents, une comédie dramatique qui construit un pont entre la jeunesse de l’ère victorienne et les milléniaux. Cette création marque la troisième collaboration entre Fanny Britt et Claude Poissant qui avait déjà monté Bienveillance (Prix du Gouverneur général en 2013). Hurlevents prend l’affiche du 31 janvier au 24 février 2018. Avec Alex Bergeron, Kim Despatis, Benoît Drouin-Germain, Florence Longpré, Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez et Catherine Trudeau.
Wiener Zeitung reviews the Theater der Jugend Wuthering Heights production:
Thomas Birkmeir, director and house director, is also working as a novelist in the theater of youth. After Patricia Highsmith's Krimihelden "Mister Ripley" for the small stage in the center now the 400-page book "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë in the Renaissancetheater. The only novel of the middle of the three Brontë sisters, published in 1847, only came into existence after a delay in the canon of English literature, a special place between horror romanticism and feminist modernity. (Hans Heider) (Translation)
Bucks Free Press presents the Aylesbury performances of the National Theatre Jane Eyre UK tour. The Movie Boards reviews Wuthering Heights 2003 and Plot Revealed in Action posts about Wuthering Heights 1939. Nerd Cactus loves Jane Eyre (but not so much Charlotte Brontë). A Nice warm glass of regret posts a nice collection of Jane Eyre-inspired gifs.


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