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Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Guardian reviews (quite positively) the Bolton performances of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall:
Deborah McAndrew’s astute adaptation maintains Brontë’s structure but alters events to dramatic effect, building on moments of discovery and decision that precipitate changes in the characters’ situations. We live their choices with them. The contrasts between temporal and eternal realities underpinning Brontë’s novel are conjured, in Amanda Stoodley’s design, by broken, dry-stone walls suggesting snug homes and wild moors, and in Ben Occhipinti’s soundscape, by cello notes bridging human tones and wuthering winds. Harmonising all these elements, Elizabeth Newman’s direction finely tunes Brontë’s past to our present. (Clare Brennan)
The chicken invasion of the Haworth church graveyard gets the Daily Express treatment:
The Rev. Julie Roberts said: “They have taken over the churchyard. They are quite unruly and a nuisance, leaving droppings everywhere.
We want them to be re-homed. We don’t want them to be mistreated but we can’t find anyone to take them away
“During weddings they are coming in the open doors and getting in the way of photographs.”
"We don’t want them to be mistreated but we can’t find anyone to take them away.
Church officials believe a farmer or allotment holder may have set them loose because they could not comply with bird flu regulations.
A poultry rescue charity was approached but said they only took battery hens.
The Environment Agency and Bradford Council suggested the church advertise for someone to re-home the chickens. (Jaymi MacCann)
Fan fiction on Impact Magazine:
Yes, you read that right – fanfiction is regularly studied at universities, including Nottingham, usually without being identified as in the ‘fanfiction’ genre. If you did Studying Literature in first year (and did the reading), you read fanfiction. Remember how Wide Sargasso Sea used the character of Bertha from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre as the central character? Fanfiction. Remember how Paradise Lost is essentially a retelling and embellishment of the events in Genesis, using the same characters and settings? That’s fanfiction. (Isobel Sheene)
The Beijinger publishes a bookish guide to Beijing:
Another option to visit a book store is Wangfujing Bookstore (which back in the day was basically the only option), but their offerings are fairly limited, and heavily focused on English language learning. You'll find about twenty different abbreviated versions of Jane Eyre suitable for English students, but it might be hard to find the latest fantasy or science fiction release. (Margaux Schreurs)
Reader's Digest lists some 'challenging' vocabulary like:
Churlish (adj.) Impolite, hard to work with. As in: ''Wretched inmates!' I ejaculated, mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.' —Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights (By the way: 'ejaculate' is used here as a synonym for 'exclaim.')
Página 12 (in Spanish) reviews Rodrigo Fresán's La parte soñada:
Así, vamos de las andanzas de un soñador concentrado en una figura femenina que sólo conocemos con el nombre de “Ella”, pasando por un conjunto de hermanas espaciales que nos recuerdan a las Brontë –sólo que cambian la soledad terrenal por la lunar–, por Stella D’Or, un personaje que aborrece a la luz y defiende a la oscuridad como auténtico patrimonio de lo humano, por Penélope, escritora de best-sellers góticos, por la figura alucinante de Vladimir Nabokov y por las penas (aunque tal palabra podría llegar a ser una exageración de nuestra parte) de un escritor que sufre insomnio.  (Fernando Bogado) (Translation)
Expresso (in Portuguese) vindicates writer Teresa Veiga:
A primeira figura que se destaca é Alexandrina, a protagonista de ‘A Minha Vida com Bela’. Escrevendo em 1945, sobre acontecimentos ocorridos no final da década de 20, a narradora expõe-se na sua condição de escritora frustrada. Devota de duas Emily, a americana Dickinson e a inglesa Brontë, companheiras virtuais que lhe instigavam o orgulho de ser “uma solteirona relapsa e confessa”, vê a sua vida virada do avesso pela descoberta da poesia de Florbela Espanca, apogeu do sentimentalismo, sob o signo de paixões exacerbadas. (José Mário Silva) (Translation)
LiteraturKritik (in German) reviews the German translation of Graham Swift's Mothering Sunday:
Swift möchte dies im Kontext der Zwischenkriegszeit gern als die emanzipatorische Geschichte einer jungen Künstlerin erzählen, die in einem Zeitalter, in dem „alles einen männlichen Beigeschmack“ hatte, eine männliche Domäne erobert (und deshalb auch, zur Verblüffung ihres Dienstherrn, die großen Abenteuerromane des späten 19. Jahrhunderts liest), aber das büchervernarrte Waisenkind ist mit dermaßen deutlichen Anleihen bei Charlotte Brontës Jane Eyre (1847) entworfen, dass sie nicht einmal der Figur selbst verborgen bleiben. (Wieland Schwanebek) (Translation)
Weekly (in French) reviews William Oldroyd's film The Young Lady:
 Volontairement théatral dans sa mise en scène, Oldroyd l'ennui d'une épouse que son mari abandonne dans une grande maison triste. Entre deux sorties dans les landes sauvages façon Haut de Hurlevent, la jeune femme finit par s'amouracher du palefrenier. Et pour conserver sa liberté, elle sera prête à tout. Vraiment à tout...  (Marianne Font) (Translation)
Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again? reviews Wuthering Heights. Esthia Prameswari's Blog posts about the Kate Bush's song; Les Soeurs Brontë (in French) reviews To Walk Invisible.


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