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Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
An alert for today, April 21, the 201st anniversary of Charlotte's birth:
The Brontë Society Spring Walk
with Bradford Fair Trade Zone
April 21st 2017 10:00am - 05:00pm

To celebrate Charlotte’s birthday, the Brontë Society Spring Walk this year will follow the route from the Brontë birthplace at Thornton to Haworth, just as the Brontë family themselves would have when they moved here in 1820. This is in partnership with Bradford Fair Trade Zone as part of the International Festival of Fair Trade Walks, which has a theme for 2017 of local literary connections.
On arrival at Haworth there will be tea and cake in the Old School Room, and a talk on Patrick and his campaigns for social justice.
In the Museum itself, there will be a range of informal talks about Charlotte throughout the day, and a writing workshop with local author Glynis Charlton exploring the richness of the theme of journeys. 
Keighley News gives some further information:
A Brontë Society spokesman said: "Walking across the exposed moorland familiar to the Brontës, will hopefully provide inspiration for some creative writing on the theme of gender equality and social reform.
"The Brontë sisters initially wrote under male pseudonyms to be accepted in the literary world of their day, and today Fair Trade standards help ensure that women producers and workers in developing countries can have equal rights and opportunities." (...)
"The walk will end at the Old School Room, in Haworth, where walkers will be provided with Fair Trade refreshments."
There will also be a talk at this venue on Patrick Brontë and his campaigns for social justice.
During the same day at the nearby parsonage museum there will be a range of informal talks about Charlotte Brontë to mark 201 years since her birth, and a writing workshop with local author Glynis Charlton.Start time for the walk is 9.30am for 10am at St James Church, 300 Thornton Road and the expected arrival time in Haworth is 2.30pm.
The Brontë Society spokesman added: "The walk will be accompanied by local Brontë and history experts, and will go via the house in Thornton’s Market Street where Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne Brontë were born. (Miran Rahman)


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