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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Wuthering Heights 2018, directed by Elisaveta Abrahall, is almost finished according to the Shropshire Star. They have released a trailer (although it is more like a summary of the film):
A new big-screen version of the Emily Brontë classic has been shooting at various locations around Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Powys since last spring and is due to continue filming in south Shropshire in the coming week.
But director Elisaveta Abrahall, who is making the film with production company Three Hedgehogs Films, said the cast and crew were now getting very close to “wrapping” the project, which will then go into post-production and editing.
She said they filmed on Clee Hill on March 12 and have also been at Acton Scott Historic Working Farm near Church Stretton.
She said: “We’ve got more filming from April 18 to 26, then that’s probably about it except for a few pick-up shots.
“We’ll probably be doing more at Acton Scott and we’ve been using the Shropshire hills, going up on to the Long Mynd and so on.”
She said the Shropshire hills were doubling as a backdrop for the tragic love story’s famous moors.
It will go into post-production immediately, with a view to getting it out for the festivals at the tail end of this year and into next year.
“We want to try and get it at Cannes Film Festival.
Cannes? They are certainly ambitious.

The Toronto Star reviews a novel which features Charlotte Brontë as a secondary character: Mad Richard by Lesley Krueger:
Mad Richard
By Lesley Krueger
ECW, 326 pages, $18.95

At first glance, the interlacing of the life of painter Richard Dadd with that of the novelist Charlotte Brontë seems a stretch — but Lesley Krueger, a Canadian journalist turned fiction and screen writer, is on her fifth novel and knows well how to weave a tale. The novel begins with Brontë’s visit to Dadd in Bedlam, an asylum he has lived in for a decade after losing his mind and committing a murder. They only meet once, but as Krueger reimagines it, this is a pivotal moment and opens the door to an exploration of the lives of the two artists: the way these lives differ and the way they are the same, and, most movingly, the struggles so many artists find common ground in: struggles with self-doubt and mental wellness and the fickle nature of the bravery it takes to show one’s soul to the world. There is much to ponder in this elegant novel about the potentially catastrophic emotional toll of art, the irrational nature of the love, the solitude of heartache and what happens when one life touches another, however briefly. (Marissa Stapley)
The Stoke Gifford Gazette reports a recent talk at the local Women's Institute:
President Sue Grimstead welcomed members and speaker and we sang Jerusalem.
Our speaker Sandra Bateman gave a talk on the Brontë sisters.
She is a retired school teacher and a member of The Brontë Society.
Charlotte, Emily and Anne are very well known as novelists and poets. Their mother died when the children were still young and it was left to her sister Elizabeth to care for the children.
Their father Patrick made sure that the siblings had a very good education.
They were allowed to read a wide range of literature including Byron, which in the early 19th century was very progressive.
Sadly none of the siblings reached old age.
With the talk lasting an hour, this is just a taster of a most fascinating and interesting talk.
Sue thanked our speaker and said how she, for one, was inspired to visit Haworth Parsonage, the Brontës’ home from 1820 to 1861.
Studybreaks talks about trivia facts:
Finally, it must be said that trivia should never be equated with intelligence. Knowing that Jean Rhys wrote “Wide Sargasso Sea” does not necessarily mean that one is smarter than everyone else; it just means that one knows that Jean Rhys wrote “Wide Sargasso Sea.” Thus, you shouldn’t feel stupid if you fail to know the answers to trivia questions; rather, you should take note of the correct responses and try to recall them the next time they are referenced. (Ben Zhang)
Efsyn (Greece) reports a Brontë mention on the TV cultural show Στάση ΕΡΤ:
«Θα μιλήσουμε για την Εμιλυ Μπροντέ· δεν ξέρω γαλλικά, αλλά θα κάνω πως ξέρω: Εμιλυ Μπγοντέ…» έκανε χαριτωμένα ο παρουσιαστής, μ’ ένα κλειστό, γαλλικοφανές έψιλον στο επίθετο· «Αγγλίδα είναι» τον έκοψε ο παρουσιαζόμενος.
Η σκηνή, που μου την επισήμανε με μέιλ του φίλος αναγνώστης, διαδραματίστηκε στην εκπομπή «Στάση ΕΡΤ», η οποία μας απασχόλησε πρόσφατα, όταν παρουσίασε το πόνημα μιας μαθήτριας της «σχολής» Αδωνη, έκδοση οίκου που μας χαρίζει Κωνσταντίνο Πλεύρη και διάφορους άλλους «γνήσιους Ελληνες». Τώρα (2/3) παρουσιαζόταν ο σκηνοθέτης Γιάννης Καλαβριανός, που διασκεύασε τα Ανεμοδαρμένα ύψη της Εμιλυ Μπροντέ. (Γιάννης Η. Χάρης) (Translation)
Regió 7 (in Catalan) interviews actress Magda Puig, who plays several roles in the Barcelona performances of Jane Eyre:
Com va ser l´adaptació d´una novel·la de tant gruix, no tan sols literari, al format teatral?
Sempre he dit que la dramatúrgia és una de les feines més difícils d´aquest ofici. Jo ho vaig veure quan vaig estar preparant Plácido Mo. És una tasca que no sempre s´ha valorat prou, tot i que cada cop està agafant més reconeixement. Per sort, aquesta Jane Eyre és obra de l´Anna Maria Ricart, una dramaturga molt bona.
Ja la coneixia?
Ens va fer la dramatúrgia de Fuenteovejuna, amb la companyia Obskene. Amb Jane Eyre ha fet un treball espectacular. Ella diu que, quan llegeix, allò que li toca la fibra ho va adaptant, i després mira que li quadri. (...)
Jane Eyre és una dona valenta que no es vol deixar lligar. Es va voler emfasitzar aquest aspecte de reivindicació femenina?
No, en cap moment es volia caure en el drama. Només calia explicar la història, que té prou força per si mateixa: és una dona a la qual passen unes coses i reacciona d´una manera concreta. (Toni Mata i Riu) (Translation)
Aftenposten (Norway) lists the use of the 'stately homes of England' in literature:
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (1847), oversatt av Ragnfrid Stokke
Innenfor «country house»-sjangeren skiller man gjerne mellom to typer, den gotiske og den sosiale. Jane Eyre, romanen om plain Jane og mystiske Mr. Rochester, tilhører den førstnevnte.
Store deler av handlingen utspiller seg på Thornfield Hall, et dystert, avsidesliggende gods, der Rochester holder sin første kone innelåst på loftet.
Motivet har gitt tittel til en klassiker innenfor feministisk litteraturforskning, Sandra M. Gilbert og Susan Gubars The Madwoman in the Attic. De leser den innestengte kvinnen på loftet som et bilde på Janes uakseptable og derfor undertrykte raseri. (Ann Merethe K. Prinos) (Translation)
AnneBrontë.org posts about Aunt Branwell and Anne Brontë. Scriblerians reviews a young readers version of Jane EyreAmi sojitra posts about Wuthering Heights.


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