Thursday, March 09, 2017
12:30 am by M.

Polly Teales's
Brontë is being performed in Dublin:
Illustrated Productions presents
by Polly Teale
Smoke Alley Theatre
6 – 11 Mar | 7.30pm | Boys’ School
How did it happen? How was it possible? How could three Victorian spinsters have written some of the most powerful and romantic fiction of all time?
Destined to lonesome, isolated lives in the English countryside, three sisters (Emily, Charlotte and Anne) face their brothers decline into alcoholism and insanity. As chaos descends on the household the sisters begin to write, creating works of art that would reach the hearts of millions and span centuries.
Illustrated Productions is delighted to present the Irish premiere of Polly Teale’s evocative and imaginative play that brings to light the lives of the Brontë sisters’ unlike ever before.
Brontë dlr Mill Theatre, Dundrum
16th - 18th Mar 2017
Show time: 8pm Matinee Sat 1.30pm
EDIT: The Sewanee Purple reviews the production:
Brontë at The Smock Alley Theatre (Dublin): The Brontë sisters, of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre fame, struggled in their relatively anonymous lives as writers, and the play by Polly Teale attempts to figure out how three sisters in the English countryside wrote such influential works of romantic fiction. (...)
The actresses who played Emily and Anne, Katie McCann and Ashleigh Dorrell, subtly wowed the audience as Mrs. Rochester and Cathy respectively. Dorrell, with her wide eyes and hopeful yet simultaneously tortured expressions, captured Cathy’s youth, frailty, and strength that made me feel for the character more than I ever had. Though the production quality could use tightening of detail, Teale weaves the lives of these spinsters with their tragedy and accomplishment.
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