We read in
The Bookseller about the death of Sally Marmion (1964-2017), mostly known for her work as adaptor of many novels for BBC Radio. Among her many credits, a couple of Brontës, a fifteen-part (15 minutes each)
Jane Eyre adaptation and a five-part adaptation of Lucasta Miller's
The Brontë Myth:
Book of the Week: The Bronte Myth (2001)
Since 1857, when Elizabeth Gaskell published her life of Charlotte Bronte, hardly a year has gone by without material on the Brontës appearing. Lucasta Miller traces the route by which they ach ieved prominence and shows how history has become : myth. Abridged in five parts by Sally Marmion and read by Samantha Bond.
Book at Bedtime: Jane Eyre (2004)
Anne-Marie Duff reads Charlotte Brontë's bold and passionate story of a woman's search for independence and love on her own terms. Abridged by Sally Marmion. Producer, Pi Speirs.
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