
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Friday, February 10, 2017

American viewers can now watch the trailer of To Walk Invisible on the PBS website. It's scheduled to be broadcast on Sunday, March 26th, 2017 at 9/8c on Masterpiece on PBS.

Also in the US, Providence Journal describes a couple of locations in Newport:
Then there is Ocean Drive, the spectacular road that traces the rocky coast south of Newport, along with Fort Adams State Park (fortadams.org), which commands the entrance to the harbor. Both can be somewhat moody in a "Wuthering Heights" kind of way at this time of year. (Peter C.T. Elsworth)
The Jewish Chronicle recommends the real thing among other romantic spots all over the UK.
Discover Yorkshire’s Wuthering Heights
The wild, desolate moors around Haworth, home to the Brontë sisters, helped inspire the famous tale of love and revenge in Wuthering Heights. Visit with your own Cathy or Heathcliff, then stop at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, once the family home, now holding the world’s biggest collection of Brontë literary paraphernalia along with information on their lives. (Cathy Winston)
Also in Haworth, Keighley News reports that Simon Armitage's latest collection of poetry will be launched in Haworth.
Multi-talented poet, artist and playwright Simon Armitage will soon launch his latest collection of poetry in Haworth.
Mr Armitage has created a work called “The Unaccompanied”, designed to give a new voice to the people of Britain.
As well as reading from the collection, he will reference the work he has produced as part of Branwell Brontë’s bicentenary.
There will also be the opportunity to view his exhibition, “Mansions in the Sky”. [...]
He will launch The Unaccompanied at the Old School Room and Brontë Parsonage Museum on March 18 at 7.30pm.
Tickets are £10 or £8 for concessions and Brontë Society members. Visit bronte.org.uk/whats-on or call 01535 640192 to book in advance. (Richard Parker)
More Brontë-related places: The Independent has an article which mentions Thornton.
Not far from where I live there’s a landscape that’s soaked in apocalyptic imagery. Thornton is a wild and sometimes bleak place, on the hills above Bradford, where the Brontë sisters were born before moving to Haworth, the place they’re more usually associated with, six miles away. [...]
The land is well known to be the haunt of the Gytrash, a spectral black hound that snuffled its way into Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, born here 200 years ago. (David Barnett)
Le Monde (France) finds a Brontëite in writer Mariana Enriquez.
Lectrice boulimique, depuis son adolescence, de Stephen King, « fanatique » des sœurs Brontë, de Ray Bradbury autant que d’horror writers au public plus confidentiel (Shirley Jackson, Peter Straub, Robert Aickman, Kelly Link…), la romancière est allée à bonne école. (Ariane Singer) (Translation)
We already knew that contributor to The Seattle Times Moira Macdonald was a Brontëite.
Favorite classics: Thanks to a long-ago master’s degree in English lit, I’ve spent plenty of time immersed in great books of the past. (“Ulysses”: yes. “Moby Dick”: no. “Remembrance of Things Past”: someday.) Two I keep returning to: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” — which has a gossamer perfection that fascinates me — and Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre.” Reader, I can’t resist it.
Charlatan recommends YouTube channels for book lovers, one of which is Shipwrecked.
Shipwrecked, according to their YouTube bio, is “here to fulfill all your historical literary comedy webseries needs.” And Sean and Sinead Persaud, the sibling force behind the channel, accomplish just that in pleasantly unexpected ways.
Imagine the shenanigans that would ensue if Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Emily Dickinson, and Charlotte Brontë had a dinner party together—and someone got murdered. Imagine Poe simply trying to live his life as a lovably awkward, mustachioed, raven-obsessed shut-in poet with a crush on the girl next door, documenting it all through his video diary. Imagine hearing Bertha from Jane Eyre sing about life in an attic to the tune of Tangled’s “When Will My Life Begin.
Shipwrecked brings literature to life with comedy and flair you never knew you needed. Shipwrecked is fun bookworm fanservice at its best, poking fun at English nerds who—let’s be honest here—often take themselves too seriously. (Karen-Luz Sison)
There's a new Swedish compilation of Gothic stories written by women called Förfärande kvinnor – gotisk skräck från Brontë till Gilman, edited and translated by KG Johansson. SverigesRadio (Sweden) discusses (both audio and text) it.
Ann Radcliffe efterföljdes av namn som Clara Reeves, Mary Elizabeth Braddon och förstås Frankensteins skapare, Mary Shelley. Det var också vanligt att annars realistiska författare som till exempel systrarna Brontë, eller Elizabeth Gaskell inkluderade gotiska inslag i sina romaner. [...]
Och ett av de mest klassiska exemplen, den galna kvinnan på vinden i Charlotte Brontës Jane Eyre, har fått representera varenda känsla av undertryckt vrede och sexualitet en kvinna kan härbärgera. (Annina Rabe) (Translation)
The Guardian reviews Once We Were Sisters by Sheila Kohler and looks back on some of her previous works of fiction:
South African-born Sheila Kohler is the acclaimed author of three short story collections and 10 novels, among them Cracks (1999), Becoming Jane Eyre (2009) and Dreaming for Freud (2014), disturbing explorations of femininity featuring heroines who are in some way trapped, silenced or lost. “To the voiceless, the muffled, the frightened, the guilty,” Kohler says, “I attempt to give words.” But it turns out that these fictions about vulnerable women, written during a career spanning nearly 30 years, have simply been screen stories for the truth at the core of Kohler’s own life. In this powerful memoir – her first piece of non-fiction – she finally addresses the truth. (Elizabeth Lowry)
WP książki (Poland) discusses romanticism and eroticism in books.
Wątki znane z twórczości Austen rozwijały poniekąd siostry Brontë. "Jane Eyre", opowieść o dorastaniu i pierwszych doświadczeniach miłosnych młodej kobiety (autorstwa najstarszej z sióstr, Charlotte) uznaje się dziś nie tylko za majstersztyk światowej literatury, ale również jedną z pierwszych powieści feministycznych. Główna bohaterka bowiem, dużo odważniejsza niż postaci z Austen podejmuje eksplorację swojej seksualności. Podobnie jak bohaterki Kate Chopin, której powieści (w tym "Przebudzenie") miały dla literatury amerykańskiej znaczenie podobne, jak twórczość Brontë dla brytyjskiej. [...]
Zapowiadany przez Austen, Chopin, czy Brontë feminizm zmienił kompletnie stosunek kobiet do erotyki. Za kolejny przełom na tym polu można uznać powołanie do życia w 1992 roku Black Lace, oddziału Virgin Books specjalizującego się w erotyce pisanej przez kobiety dla heteroseksualnych kobiet. Nierzadko zapuszczając się na tereny seksu grupowego, sadomasochizmu, czy biseksualizmu, Black Lace wydało dotąd ponad 250 tytułów, sprzedając ponad trzy miliony książek. To, plus globalny sukces choćby "50 twarzy Greya" E.L.James daje nam obraz tego, jak daleko zaszliśmy od czasu Małgorzaty z Nawarry. (Translation)
Many news sites such as The Economic Times publish a review of 50 Shades Darker which makes a great point:
Ana, who works in publishing, speaks of being swept away by Brontë and Austen, we never see her reading a book. 
Le Monde (France) takes it more seriously:
La saga a également pour ambition d’assouvir un idéal de littérature érotique féminine, fusionnant un romantisme moite et échevelé à des pulsions masochistes secrètes. Soit la rencontre, pour le dire grossièrement, entre les romans de Jane Austen ou d’Emily Brontë, dont les figures masculines ont directement inspiré Grey, et ceux de Pauline Réage. (Murielle Joudet) (Translation)
And Time magazine wonders,
But there’s one significant problem with both Fifty Shades movies that’s impossible to ignore. Dornan is just a dud. The problem may have more to do with the conception of the character than anything else: How do you play a self-described sadist who’s really just a misunderstood cuddlebunny underneath? Not even Olivier could do it. (Or maybe he did, if you count Heathcliff.) (Stephanie Zacharek)
This anecdote on Not Always Working would have been enhanced by telling us the person's actual name:
(I’ve just finished checking out a customer with the same first name as me. As I have a ridiculously common first name, this is a normal occurrence. I am named after the main character my mother’s favorite book growing up.)
Me: *as the customer leaves* “My mother’s favorite book couldn’t have been Little Women, or something.”
(My boss, who happens to be walking by, chuckles.)
Me: “I guess it could be worse. Her favorite book could’ve been Jane Eyre.”
Boss: “It could’ve been War and Peace.”
Me: “There’s a female main character in War and Peace?”
Bustle has included a quote from Jane Eyre on a list of '11 Feminist Quotes About Romance To Use In Your Valentine's Day Cards'. The Economic Times has a quiz with which to find out whether you are a Romeo or Heathcliff in love. BahnReads is giving away a couple of Brontë-related books.


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