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Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017 9:31 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Playbill on the New York performances of Jen Silverman's The Moors:
The play is inspired by 19th century icons the Brontë sisters, and examines power structures and ideals of gender and class. (...)
“Dreaming of love and power, two sisters and their dog live out their lives on the bleak English moors, the vast, desolate landscape of northern England,“ read production notes for The Moors. “With the arrival of a hapless governess and a moor-hen, lies are revealed and loyalties shift as all are set on a strange and dangerous path.“ (Hannah Cabell)
FemaleFirst interviews the author:
I Collect Copies of Wuthering Heights.
Wuthering Heights is my favourite classic novel and I collect old copies of it whenever I find them in book shops and at markets. The mustier the better. I haven’t found one for a while, so I must go on the hunt again soon.
And Patheos discusses the Lent Christian season:
Charlotte Brontë was right: forgiveness is the mightiest sword. Forgiveness cuts away the hate and leaves us dead to evil and alive to God. (John Mark N. Reynolds)
Actually, Charlotte Brontë never wrote that. It was Paul Gordon who put those words in Helen's song Forgiveness in Jane Eyre. The Musical 2000.

Maybe it's not the best day to rescue a 1967 article on Warren Beatty (after last night's memorable Oscar blunder), but it's on Esquire and it has a quite arbitrary Brontë mention:
She did. "That would be one of the most beautiful girls in Hollywood, but she's carrying the weight of the entire civil-rights movement on her shoulders," said Warren. Then he went back into his Charlotte Brontë mood. I was losing him. (Rex Reed)
NDR (Germany) reviews the play Ich kann nicht mehr as being performed in Hamburg; on TrekEarth, Royaldevon shares a picture of Wycoller Hall.
Doch wer denkt, dass der Chor so eindimensional bleibt, irrt gewaltig. Er wechselt die Rollen schneller als die Kostüme. Mal ist er Kind, mal Nachbar - oder er tanzt zu Kate Bushs "Wuthering Heights". (Thorsten Pilz) (Translation)
The Reading Bug reviews Wide Sargasso Sea; on TrekEarth, Royaldevon shares a picture of Wycoller Hall. The Edge devotes an article to Wuthering Heights.


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