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Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016 10:56 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Morley Observer & Advertiser features young actor Troy Tipple, who plays young Branwell in To Walk Invisible.
Troy is also set to appear in a BBC drama about the Brontë family, playing a young Branwell.
His mum said he was not familiar with the Brontës but still landed the role of troubled Branwell.
Mrs Tipple said: “He just picked up the script and went with it, learnt his lines by just going upstairs to his room.
“He is more aware now of the history of the Brontës because of the filming.” (Alexander Beard)
The Oxford University Press Blog puts your knowledge of Victorian fiction to the test.
When the description “Victorian” is brought up, the image of corseted and bustled women in flouncing petticoats comes to the minds of many. Familiarized through film culture and popular imagination, many representations of the era are preserved through the literature of that period. Countless remakes and references to Victorian novels have been made throughout the centuries, making their authors household names. From Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, to Sherlock Holmes, these characters represent an age of change; a society where every aspect of conduct underwent rapid transformation: steam engines advanced technological production, urban development demanded coal mining, global exploits encouraged travel writing, and the rising awareness of feminists brought about discussions on gender. (Lauri Lu)
Do try it!

Viva (New Zealand) features sisters Valentine and Clementine Nixon, from the band Purple Pilgrims, and asks them about their favourite things.
Clementine: I found this copy of Wuthering Heights in Yorkshire very near where our dad was born and also where Emily Bronte wrote the novel. It’s been a favourite of mine and Valentine’s since forever and we’ve both read it more times than we’d like to admit. I’ve picked up a few different copies from second-hand shops over the years but this one has the most beautiful cover of any I’ve seen. (Danielle Clausen)
Città della Spezia (Italy) wants to know about the books that will be under local Christmas trees this year.
"Il mercato a nostro avviso è stabile, anche per quello che riguarda l'editoria locale - spiegano dalla libreria Ricci - . Saggistica e narrativa vanno per la maggiore. Tra i titoli più venduti abbiamo "Paradise sky", "Le otto montagne", "Jamaica Inn", "Non mi chiamo Miriam", "La guardia il poeta e l'investigatore". C'è anche un grande ritorno dei classici, ad esempio Emilie Bronte e Jane Austen. Poi, "Il Canto di Natale" di Dickens rimane un must. Noi cerchiamo sempre di lavorare consigliando il cliente e ad esempio abbiamo adottato la "Book Pharmacy" per trovare un rimedio per tutti i giorni grazie alla lettura nel progetto di Alessandro Lana e Massimo Tallone". (Chiara Alfonzetti) (Translation)
Tidningen Kulturen (Sweden) reviews the film A Quiet Passion.
Rödhårig och kavat står Emily Dickinson ensam, mitt på golvet. Hon är mobbad både av de andra eleverna i skolan och av lärarna och skolans föreståndare, som är fanatiskt religiös. Det hela är som en scen ur Jane Eyre, den med den där hemska internatskolan (baserad på Charlotte Brontës egna minnen av skoltiden) förutom att Emily Dickinson inte tvingas att stå på en stol.
Och sedan så blir Emily hämtad av sin far, den rike och respekterade advokaten, och sin bror och sin lillasyster. Till skillnad från Jane Eyre är Emily inte föräldralös, hon har folk som bryr sig.
Emily Dickinson hade förmodligen själv gillat inledningen på Terence Davies A Quiet Passion och de tydliga Brontë vibbarna ---- Emily Dickinson själv var ett Brontë fan, gillade Jane Eyre och Wuthering Heights och önskade en dikt av Emily Brontë på sin begravning. Inte en av sina egna dikter. (Belinda Graham) (Translation)
El heraldo (Colombia) finds a Brontëite in writer Carolina Andújar.
P. En ‘La sirenita’, la historia de Andersen, la sirena renuncia a ser quien es por amor. ¿Cómo es la búsqueda del amor en su novela, es antiprincesas?  R.La primera novela seria que leí fue Drácula, y a partir de entonces me enamoré de los clásicos decimonónicos, como Cumbres borrascosas, Mauprat, Jane Eyre, Carmilla. (Adriana Chica García) (Translation)
Both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights have made it onto the list of the 'best 67 books written by women' compiled by Entorno Inteligente (Spain). Tangled Tourista posts about Wuthering Heights (by one Emile Brontë, though).


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