The Recent NAVSA 2016 Conference (November 2-5) included several Brontë-related talks (including a
Jane Eyre performance!):
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NAVSA 2016 Phoenix
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel
Katherine Magyarody (Texas A&M University) “‘We want no third—fourth, I mean’: The
Narrative Construction of Intimacy and Friendship in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley”
Allison Fieldberg (MacEwan University) “Charlotte Brontë and the Social Labour of
Panel E — Social Feelings in the Works of Charlotte Brontë (North Mountain)
Moderator: Beth Newman (Southern Methodist University)
NAVSA 2016 Phoenix Draft Schedule 24
Deirdre Mikolajcik (University of Kentucky) “Mooring Points: Charlotte Brontë and the
Social Problem Novel”
Christie Harner (Dartmouth College) “Religious Practice and the Sanctity of Social Profiling
in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette”
Hee Eun Lee (University of Washington) “Social Communion in the Natural Sublime in
Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley”
Deborah Denenholz Morse (The College of William & Mary) “Queer Charlotte: Social
Acceptance and Repressed Homoerotics in The Professor”
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