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Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016 11:15 am by Cristina in , , , ,    1 comment
#AmReading features Anne Brontë, dubbed as usual 'The ‘Forgotten’ Brontë Sister'.
Among literary families, there are few as famous as the Brontës. Charlotte Brontë brought the mysterious Mr. Rochester and the mousy governess Jane Eyre to life while Emily Brontë weaved together a fever dream among dark moors in Wuthering Heights. But there was another; Anne Brontë, talented and prolific, has been too long overshadowed by her sisters.
It was not a difficult feat. Anne’s first novel, Agnes Grey, was released around the same time as Charlotte’s Jane Eyre, and Emily’s Wuthering Heights. While in the time since the dust from Wuthering Heights has settled, Agnes Grey is still shadowed in obscurity. However, many who read it can see Anne’s literary genius from the first page. (Jodi Trask) (Read more)
Westfälische Nachrichten (Germany) doesn't forget her in an article about fragments from the three sisters' works being read aloud by actress Claudia Michelsen.
An der Wand das Bildnis der drei Schwestern, um die es an diesem Abend gehen soll. Davor drei Tische, darauf drei Mikrofone, – und je ein Buch. Hat Schauspielerin Claudia Michelsen für die „Meister des Wortes“-Lesung im Kleinen Haus in Münster etwa Verstärkung mitgebracht? Nein, wohl aber die bekanntesten, Bücher von Anne, Charlotte und Emily Brontë, die so unterschiedlich sind, dass sie drei Leseplätze rechtfertigen.
Michelsen, die Haare streng zusammengebunden, beginnt den Weverinck-Abend mit einem Kapitel aus „Agnes Grey“ von Anne Brontë, der jüngsten der drei schreibenden Schwestern, die als Töchter eines Pfarrers in einer Ortschaft in Yorkshire zwar kaum etwas von der Welt sahen, aber Weltliteratur verfassten.
Mit klarer Stimme und zügigem Tempo liest Michelsen, die dem Publikum vornehmlich als Darstellerin ambitionierter TV-Filme und als Magdeburger „Polizeiruf“-Ermittlerin bekannt ist, von deren Erlebnissen der Gouvernante Agnes Grey, die sich nicht nur drei ungezogenen Kindern ausgeliefert sieht, sondern zugleich der Strenge des Vaters und der Überheblichkeit der Mutter. (Petra Noppeney) (Translation)
Newsly (Italy) finds Brontë echoes in the film Lady Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth dell’inglese William Oldroyd è tratto dal racconto di Nikolaj Leskov Lady Macbeth del distretto di Mcensk ed è forse l’unico film in concorso ad avere una distribuzione nelle sale italiane già pianificata. Il film sarà infatti distribuito nel 2017 dalla Teodora Film. Il Macbeth shakespeariano c’entra poco o niente con il film di Oldroyd, che ha comunque una forte ispirazione letteraria, accogliendo nel suo racconto un po’ di Cime tempestose, di Jane Eyre di Orgoglio e pregiudizio e di tanti altri classici della narrativa inglese ottocentesca.
La Lady Macbeth del titolo è la diciassettenne Katherine (Florence Pugh), bella e crudele, una Jane Eyre destinata a diventare sanguinaria come la protagonista della tragedia di William Shakespeare. Data in sposa ad un uomo più grande che non ama, non tollera le rigide convenzioni sociali che la tengono incatenata, costringendola a sopportare le crudeltà di un sistema patriarcale dispotico. (Claudio Rugiero) (Translation)
The New Yorker features well-known Brontëite singer and composer Stevie Nicks.
Nicks frequently cites as a guiding influence for the recording sessions the 1939 film adaptation of Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights,” which depicts an undying, almost fiendish love. (Amanda Petrusich)
Wishing the best of luck to the Brontë Parsonage Museum, shortlisted for Best Large Visitor Attraction award at the White Rose Awards tonight, as seen on its Facebook page. AnneBrontë.org discusses 'Brontë Memorials And The Brontë Stones'.

1 comment:

  1. Anne is hardly obscure, as a 19th century author. I find her books in almost every book store I enter - most authors can dream of that. I'd like her to be read even more, but you can't say she is some poor forgotten creature just because she isn't read as much as two of the most read authors in the world.
