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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016 11:10 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Herald on Sunday reviews The Jane Austen's Writers Club by Rebecca Smith:
Writing fiction has never been anything but hard. You can’t help feeling, however, that it is more difficult now than it was in Emily Brontë’s or Ernest Hemingway’s day. It is not that the act itself has become more demanding, but that so much attention is now directed on the process – an entire new industry in fact – that it requires great powers of assurance or determination or a good set of earplugs to avoid the cacophony of advice. Should one wish to avoid it, of course. (Rosemary Goring)
We have been unable to trace the path discussed by Scott Hough in The Inquisitr:
When I first discovered this, I attempted to follow a timeline, following the dates each artist recorded each work, establishing precedents. Doing this, I found something that surprised me. The trail I followed led to a novel by Charlotte Brontë, written in 1847, Jane Eyre, one that I have not yet read. The influence of the novel is plain to see in subsequent media produced by a range of artists over decades.
Chicago Pride interviews the writer Jeff Mann:
Gregg Shapiro: In the same chapter, you make reference to "Wuthering Heights in West Virginia." Is that how you envisioned the story?
JM: To some extent. I’ve been a fan of Wuthering Heights since high school, and Heathcliff was a dark and tortured early role model for me. Certainly both protagonist Brice and love interest Lucas have good reasons to be tortured, and I can relate, having a certain tormented streak in me as well. Country is about torment and suffering—how hard life can be, so much harder than any of us are led to believe in our youths—but it’s also about a theme I worked out in my Civil War novel Salvation and in my upcoming novel Insatiable—how life’s pain, loss, and difficulty can be handled with stoic strength, but, just as importantly, with the help of a clan of solid, caring friends, lovers, and family whose support will get you through. I’ve been blessed with that in the past, and I’m blessed with that now.
La Stampa (in Italian) interviews the writer Howard Jacobson:
C’è chi l’ha descritta come il Philip Roth inglese. Ci si ritrova? (Elisabetta Pagani)
«O il Woody Allen inglese, ma non è così. Ho un’altra formazione: Dickens, le Brontë, Jane Austen. Mi conquistano l’eleganza e la vanità di alcune espressioni, la profondità che si cela dietro l’apparente leggerezza. E poi gli inglesi sono ironici e pessimisti, come gli ebrei. Quindi io lo sono due volte!». (Translation)
El Universal's Confabulario (México) reviews Elena Garro. Antología, edited by Geney Beltrán Félix:
Detrás de ella, es decir a sus espaldas, se alza su vida, bulliciosa, ensordecida luego, como la de muchos de sus personajes. “Una vida aburrida y a la que si pudiera le echaba un borrón”, diría la escritora. ¿Le creeríamos? Sería como querer borrar también su parentesco literario con Turgueniev, Dostoievsky, Fitzgerald, Strindberg y hasta con la Brontë de Cumbres borrascosas. Y es que ella hablaba desde lo que sabía, y más aún: desde lo que era, como dice Geney Beltrán Félix: “ante todo una imaginadora de historias”, incluso de la suya. (Guillermo Arreola) (Translation)
Fabula (in French) discusses fan fiction and mentions Wide Sargasso Sea; The Mountaineer presents a local production of The Mystery of Irma Vep.

Check the latest #trumpbookreport tweets on Jane Eyre  and Wuthering Heights.


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