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Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016 10:47 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
They affect me the way works of the frightening and the fantastical have affected me since I was a child. That weird 1920s black-and-white movie I glimpsed on the telly, where a body got stretched so thin it became a worm; Maupassant’s Le Horla (read, bad idea, at age 9); Heathcliff’s Cathy tapping the midnight window of Wuthering Heights; Barney’s legs sliced through, bone and all, by a spinning wire in RTÉ’s Strumpet City; and, most recently, Jeff Vandermeer’s strange, creepily urgent sci-fi novel Annihilation.
Boston Herald reviews the film The Handmaiden:
In part one of a 2 1⁄2-hour, three-part film, we meet the eponymous young and beautiful servant Sook-hee (Tae-ri Kim), who will be renamed Tamako, Japanese-style (and learn to speak Japanese), when she arrives at her master’s mansion. If you are reminded of “Rebecca” and “Jane Eyre” in these scenes, and of Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” as Sook-hee takes leave of the band of mostly female pickpockets and cutpurses she has grown up with, you are not alone. (James Verniere)
Palatinate visted the Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal:
But my most prized souvenir was neither a Spanish book (as perhaps it should have been) nor the picture-perfect photo that everyone else was trying to capture, but instead a beautiful collector’s version of Brontë’s Wuthering Heights – one of my favourites – from the English language section. Miniature, striking, with a deep burgundy cover and pages lined with gold, I couldn’t resist. And now, sitting on my shelf in rainy Durham, I have my own piece of this truly remarkable bookshop. Not that it could really be forgotten. (Rebecca Holland
The Brown Lady is a local ghost haunting Chowan University. The News & Observer describes her:
Students take note. She’s sitting in that empty chair at the back of history class, taking notes with a quill. She’s up late reading “Wuthering Heights” in the common room. She’s dropping pre-calculus because she’s carrying a D-average at the mid-term and she needs to keep her scholarship. (Josh Shaffer)
ABC reviews the latest book of poems by Pere Gimferrer, No en mis días:
«Wuthering Heighs» (“Cumbres borrascosas”) llama la atención por la novela homónima de Brontë, pero alude al PSOE: «No darán sepultura al Sabbat de Suresnes», escribe: «Si no mencionaba Suresnes, no quedaba clara mi crítica. Fue el congreso fundacional del felipismo del que todavía no hemos salido. Todos los males del socialismo actual vienen de Suresnes». (Sergi Doria) (Translation)
Tracey-anne's Wordpress Blog posts about Wuthering Heights. Scrawl Across the World has visited Haworth. The Aroma of Books reviews Katherine Reay's The Brontë Plot. Ghosts and the Brontës on Nick Holland's Anne Brontë blog.


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