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Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016 1:00 am by M. in , ,    No comments
And we have a spooky Brontë-themed Halloween performance out there. In New York:
The Bride of Murdery Heights
Wednesday, October 19 2016
UCBT Chelsea
307 W. 26th St, New York, NY 10001
Director: Caitlin Bitzegaio
Writers: Erin Fenton, Aimee Lutkin, Jaime Lutz
Cast:  Erin Fenton, Aimee Lutkin, Jaime Lutz,  Kelsey Bailey, Tessa Hersh, Jon Monje, Alexis Pereira, Alexis Rhiannon, Cian Smith.

In this spooky, sexy tale of the Regency era, three sisters must find husbands on the night of Lord Darkcastle's ball or be doomed to a fate worse than death: spinsterhood.
DNA Info gives some furhter details:
A Halloween-themed Upright Citizens Brigade show is offering a "spooky" comedic take on Gothic romances penned by the likes of Charlotte Brontë and Daphne du Maurier.
In "The Bride of Murdery Heights," three sisters based on authors Charlotte, Anne and Emily Brontë attend a ball thrown by the Mr. Rochester-esque Lord Darkcastle in the fictional village of Dunfordthirethistletonthwaite, explained writer and cast member Jaime Lutz, 26. (...)
"When we talked, we found out we all loved these old Gothic romance books," Lutz said. "The narrative is kind of…a riff on 'Jane Eyre,' and characters from other Gothic romances, too." (...)
The character Lutz plays — based on Emily Brontë — is "always at the risk of dying… [and] irresistible to men in sort of a 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' way," she said.
But viewers don’t have to be fans of the 19th century authors to enjoy the show, Lutz noted.
"Gothic romances are everywhere — they’re basically the early prototypes for haunted-house movies," she said. "We do have a lot of specific jokes that people who are fans of the Brontës will get, but they’re sort of just like icing on top of the cake." (Maya Rajamani)


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