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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:45 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Jacqueline Ryder, chairman of the Friends of Red House Museum speaks to The Telegraph and Argus.
Friends of a museum with strong links to the Brontës, which is closing down due to budget cuts, are hoping it can stay open until Christmas. [...]
It had been thought that once the decision was made Red House Museum in Gomersal could be closed as early as next month.
But Jacqueline Ryder, chairman of the Friends of Red House Museum, said they have appealed to the council to allow them to stay open until Christmas. [...]
She told the Telegraph & Argus: “At the moment we are hoping it will be able to stay open until Christmas but we are just waiting for that confirmation from the council. “We are in limbo when it comes to organising events in the run up to Christmas until we get a date.” [...]
Expressions of interest in the Red House and Dewsbury museum buildings which are no longer required are also being invited.
Mrs Ryder added: “I’m sure the council will consider any serious approach to them, including charities and social groups.
“As far as we are aware, groups such as the National Trust, English Heritage and The Brontë Society, but none of them are interested in taking on the house as far as we know.”
Graham Turner, cabinet member for Creative Kirklees, confirmed at the earlier cabinet meeting that there had been no interest in either site, saying: “We have spoken to many organisations in the museums and heritage sector, and no-one has expressed an interest in taking on any of the sites.” [...]
Mrs Ryder said that other than the period furniture and items in the house, there are two things of interest due to the Brontë connection. These are the windows in the dining room and a painting of Vesuvius, both of which are described in the 1849 novel. Charlotte was a frequent visitor to Red House, which was owned at the time by the family of her close friend Mary Taylor. (Jo Winrow)
The situation brings to mind Charlotte Brontë's words about the sisters' book of poems:
 our book is found to be a drug; no man needs it or heeds it
The Daily Mail features a family who did awfully on BBC's National Lottery's 5-Star Family Reunion quiz show. The mother didn't reply to a single question in the literature round, which included
3. Mr Rochester is a character in which Brontë book. Pass (James Dunn)
According to AmReading, Wuthering Heights is one of '5 Perfect Coffee Shop Reads'.
2. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
This book will complete your Literary Bookworm Vibe. We all remember the title from high school, because “Wuthering” just isn’t a word; so we all know that this book is a serious book. This is art, this is a classic. Go ahead and throw on your own hipster scarf, order an almond milk vanilla latte, and settle in on a barstool by the window. So, you heat up to 100 degrees fahrenheit because you refuse to take your scarf off and the sun is beaming in like a spotlight, but this is your haven: this is your safe place, the place you come to read, to learn about yourself and others.
This book is truly a masterpiece, and you will actually learn a great deal about yourself and others. The characters here are people you’ve met, friends of friends, or yourself. They’re relatable in the cruelest way: that they are not great people, but we all know or are them. This is literature that asks the hard questions about sensitive things: family, relationships, duty, propriety. If you skipped it in high school and just read the cliffsnotes, now is the time to read it. In a coffee shop. (Laura Seabourne)
Scottish Book Trust looks at the film adaptations of Muriel Spark's works, but finds there are plenty more stories by her which could do with an adaptation such as
The Public Image (1968), an odd take on fame and the world of film in which Annabel Christopher, “a twentieth-century Jane Eyre”, is repackaged and marketed to cinema audiences as “The English Lady-Tiger”, but has her image tarnished by her jealous husband (Willy Maley)
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) reviews the book Blåst! by Eva-Marie Liffner.
Det är ännu krångligare än det låter. Så här: på 1910-talet börjar en bilmekaniker vid namn Ned Shaw falla baklänges genom seklerna. Kanske hänger det samman med att han återvänt från skyttegravskriget som invalid. I alla fall öppnar tiden sina portar för honom och han är plötsligt samtida med syskonen Brontë. Eller om han är en av de många fantasigestalter som Brontësyskonen med Emily i spetsen befolkar sina dagdrömmar med. [...]
Man kan läsa ”Blåst!” som en berättelse om fantasin i sig. Vad den är, varför den behövs, och hur den uppkommit. Som ett bålverk mot förgängelsen. I prästgården lever syskonen Brontë sina liv som gisslan hos lungsoten. Sjukdomen har redan tagit deras mor och det är bara en tidsfråga innan den lokale brännvinsdoktorn på nytt ska kallas till huset. I historierna syskonen berättar för varandra omtolkas därför förloppet: modern har gäckat döden genom att gå ombord på en båt. Ute på havet är hon oåtkomlig.[...]
”Det är inte alls svårt att dö”, sägs det i Brontës prästgård, ”bara man inte ser tillbaka”. (Jens Christian Brandt) (Translation)
RTVE (Spain) reviews Jane, le renard et moi.
La historia tiene mucho de autobiográfica, según confiesa la escritora, Fanny Brit, que nos narra la infancia de una niña de 12 años, Hélène, que vive en Montreal a finales de los años 80. Sus amigas la han dejado de lado sin ninguna explicación, e incluso se dedican a humillarla públicamente, lo que ha provocado que su autoestima esté por los suelos y que la joven se haya refugiado en la lectura de Jane Eyre, la mítica novela de Charlotte Brontë, con cuya desgraciada protagonista se siente identificada. (Jesús Jiménez) (Translation)
The Jerusalem Post tells about Mrs Reed's false accusations of Jane at the beginning of Jane Eyre in an article about Hillary Clinton. She Made Me Do It posts about Jane Eyre.


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