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Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016 11:41 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Yorkshire Post has selected Yorkshire's top 100 contemporary artists and a couple of them have Brontë connecttions:
James Brining: Artistic Director, West Yorkshire Playhouse.
It is four years since Leeds-born James Brining was appointed artistic director at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, marking a return home from Scotland. He initially moved to Glasgow to take up the post of Artistic director with TAG Theatre Company, before moving to Dundee Rep Theatre in 2003. He has been instrumental in the Playhouse’s Bronte season which is currently showing a reimagining of Charlotte Bronte’s novel Villette. Brining is also overseeing a bold £14m redevelopment of the venue. [...]
Diane Howse: Artist and curator.
Although she rarely uses the title, contemporary artist Diane Howse is also the Countess of Harewood. She opened the Terrace Gallery at the stately home in the 1980s and has curated hundreds of exhibitions, including one in a disused apartment block in Leeds. She also took work to two of the county’s most iconic venues - Salts Mill in Saltaire and the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth.
AmReading has selected '9 Great Parodies Of Bestselling Novels' and one of them is
7. Jane Slayre by Sherri Browning Erwin
Courageous, fearless, and determined, Jane Slayre intends to fulfill her destiny as a monster slayer.
Yet, once she meets and falls in love with the handsome Mr. Rochester, the plot thickens. From that point, Jane must decide how far she is willing to go–and how many vampires, werewolves, and zombies she intends to kill–in order to marry the man of her dreams. A fun, action-packed spinoff from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Jane Slayre is bound to thrill Brontë fans everywhere. (Luz Moreno)
We couldn't disagree more with writer Robin Gold in this interview from her local paper Kenosha News:
Q. Would your books be considered chick lit? A. Chick lit is not a bad term. People sometimes can raise a brow and giggle at it, but there are a lot of books that feature female protagonists. “Jane Eyre” is chick lit, “Pride and Prejudice” … they are great books. My books are usually either categorized as women's fiction or humor. (Kevin Poirier)
We haven't read her books but find it hilarious that she lightly labels Jane Eyre as 'chick lit' yet is quick to escape the same label for her own books.

Moderna (Brazil) describes the trailer of the film A través da Sombra.
A prévia tem cenas do “jogo do copo” (antepassado do tabuleiro de ouija), mansão mal-assombrada, aparições de fantasmas e crianças sinistras. Curiosamente, a ambientação gótica do começo lembra o clássico “Jane Eyre”, de Charlotte Brontë, mas a adaptação é, na verdade, de “A Volta do Parafuso”, clássico fantástico de Henry James, já filmado várias vezes – a mais recente, em 2009, com Michelle Dockery (série “Downton Abbey”) no papel da professora. (Marcel Plasse) (Translation)
Apparently today is National women writers day in Spain as reported by El Mundo.
Igualmente optimista se muestra Palmira Márquez, directora de la agencia literaria Dos Passos. "La desigualdad es evidente en todos los órdenes de la vida pero ha aumentando la participación de las mujeres en cultura, fruto del trabajo silencioso y tenaz ejercido por autoras del pasado como Emily Brontë, Cecilia Böhl de Faber, Pardo Bazán, George Sand, Jane Austen... La mujer ahora tiene una voz primordial, y no sólo en los libros, sino en todo el desarrollo editorial del país". (Marta Caballero) (Translation)
We (obviously) adore our Emily, but of all the things we would credit her with that wouldn't be one. She was reluctant to publish her work, she did so only with the condition that she would have a pseudonym (and was mad at Charlotte for revealing her actual sex to her publishers in a private meeting) and she only published one novel. Honestly, Emily Brontë did many, many good things, but working 'silently and tenaciously' towards equality in the publishing industry wasn't really one of them.

AnneBrontë.org looks at the Brontë sisters' taste in fashion (or lack thereof).


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