
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016 11:20 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Singer John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) is a fan of Wuthering Heights 1939, according to this interview from Vice.
What film or TV show makes you cry?There are films that move me. I can't bear any film where children are being tormented, I can't stand that. Wuthering Heights is fantastic, the original one. There's such great moodiness on it and such great pathos and tragedy, sadness. That kind of film I love. Because I can analyse the characters and see where they're going wrong and bring it back into my own life. (Biju Belinky)
While this columnist from BookRiot considers herself a 'book-to-film snob'.
The distrust only got worse when I caved and watched a Wuthering Heights adaptation. Beyond the fact that I found it hard to buy that Ralph Fiennes would be considered “as dark almost as if it came from the devil” (not to mention that I always thought Heathcliff was either Romani or black Irish, given the numerous “gipsy” references throughout the book), I actually, literally face-palmed when I realized that Catherine Linton was played by the same actress who played Catherine Hareton. And let’s be real, it’s pretty clear that makeup team didn’t put all that much effort into making her look younger, or Heathcliff older. I felt betrayed, you guys. WH has been my very favorite book for eleven years, and this felt like watching a middle school play adaptation of it. I turned off the TV and vowed to never, ever watch another WH adaptation again.
So far, I’m sticking. [...]
Giving another adaptation the chance to mess up Wuthering Heights for me, though? Yeah, let’s not go to Crazy Town. (Carolina Ciucci)
The Sisters's Room interviews Ann Dinsdale, principal curator at the Brontë Parsoange Museum:
 Among all the poems written by the  Brontës, which one is your favourite?Emily is definitely my favourite poet amongst the Brontës and I like quite a lot of her poems. I think my favourite is one of the short, really simple, poems she wrote called High Waving Heather which is just so evocative of the moors in Haworth, you know. But then I like some of the quite gloomy poems, the one about wild Decembers is a particular favourite, and I love the fact there’s so much repetition of the language in that which it probably would never get away with a modern editor, but it really kind of reinforces that passing of time… so definitely poems by Emily.
Digital Spy has a recommendation for film-makers in a review of the episode 5 of the current Victoria TV series:
Yes, we admit it, screenwriter Daisy Goodwin and, perhaps more importantly, the very watchable Coleman and Hughes, are doing a good job of convincing us that Albert is a worthy romantic lead for our feisty heroine – even if we do hold a teeny torch for [Rufus] Sewell's Lord M. (Note to period dramas producers: if you're remaking Jane Eyre or Rebecca, he's your perfect Rochester or De Winter). (Jo Berry)
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch features an inspiring teacher.
Lynn Morrissey, a class of 1969 graduate who is now a writer herself, remembered walking into Goff’s class senior year and being surprised to see the desks in a circle facing each other.
“I had no idea what was going on, but I realized that was symbolic of her embrace of all her students,” Morrissey said. “We were all equal to her, all of our opinions mattered when we talked about literature.”
Morrissey said reading “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë in the class inspired her to stand by her views and values when dealing with her peers.
“That gave me the courage as a young woman to speak my mind,” she said. (Mike Faulk)
Savidge Reads interviews writer Susan Davis:
What is the first ‘grown up’, and I don’t mean in a ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ way, that you remember on your parent’s shelves or at the library, you really wanted to read? Did you ever get around to it and is it on your shelves now? I discovered copies of ‘Fanny Hill’ and ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ in my dad’s dressing table drawer once, but they seemed dull at the time. When I searched again as an adolescent they had magically disappeared. I suppose the first ‘grown-up’ book must have been ‘Little Women’ which was one of the few books my mum actually owned and was much prized on her shelf. Is that grown-up enough? Followed closely by the usual suspects, classics like ‘Jane Eyre’ and ‘Wuthering Heights’ which I loved.
HungryForever shares a recipe for a Jane Eyre-style seed cake. You can see Rita Maria Martinez 's recent reading in Florida here (starting around the 42 minute mark). Marina Saegerman writes about visiting Norton Conyers on the Brussels Brontë Blog. AnneBrontë.org has a post on Anne Brontë's godmothers. According to the Brontë Parsonage Blog the book Push Me Away seems to 'plagiarise' Sarah Fermi's Emily's Journal.


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