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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016 5:52 pm by M. in ,    1 comment
Very belatedly (it happened in May, but somehow escaped our radar), we report the sad news of the death of Diane Long Hoeveler (1949-2016), Professor of English at Marquette University and Brontë scholar.

She recently edited (and co-wrote the introductions) two compilations of Brontë articles which has been published in coincidence with the Charlotte Brontë bicentenary. The first one was the monumental A Companion to the Brontës, published last year by Wiley-Blackwell where she joined an amazing number of Brontë scholars and experts to talk about any imaginable Brontë topic. A few weeks ago and posthumously Routledge published Time, Space, and Place in Charlotte Brontë, another collection of contributions centered on Charlotte Brontë's relationship with her historical context and her later critical reception. In both of them, Diane Long Hoeveler participated not only in the edition (with Deborah Denenholz Morse) but also with singular contributions: The Brontës and the Gothic Tradition and Charlotte Brontë and the Anxious Imagination, respectively.

These were not the only Brontë-related publications in her career as this brief bibliography shows:
The Not-so New Gothic: Charlotte Brontë’s Juvenilia and the Gothic Tradition in Charlotte Brontë from the Beginnings: New Essays from the Juvenilia to the Major Works, Ed. Judith Pike and Lucy Morrison, Routledge (to appear in October 2016)

Dreaming of the Other: The Brontë Novels and Gothic Residue. In 21st META British Novelists Conference: The Brontë Sisters and Their Work Proceedings (2013) (not yet published). She was the keynote speaker in the conference.

Theories of Creativity and the Saga of Charlotte Brontë.” In Autopoetica: Representations of the Creative Process in Nineteenth-Century British and American Fiction. Ed. Darby Lewes. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield, 2006. Pp. 187-94.

Teaching Wuthering Heights as Fantasy, Trauma, and Dream Work.” In Approaches to Teaching ‘Wuthering Heights.’ Ed. Sue Lonoff and Terri Hasseler. New York: MLA, 2006. Pp. 96-103.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Authoritative text with notes, Introduction, and collected critical essays, including her “Wuthering Heights and Gothic Feminism,”, Houghton Mifflin, 2001

Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontës. University Park: Penn State Press, 1998.

Charlotte Brontë. New York: Macmillan/Twayne Publications, 1997. (Coauthor with Lisa Jadwin). She wrote the chapters on The Professor, Shirley, Brontë’s poetry and letters, and the second half of the Biography chapter.

Approaches to Teaching Brontë’s ‘Jane Eyre.’ New York: Modern Language Association, 1993. (Contributing Coeditor with Beth Lau). Article: Jane Eyre Through the Body: Food, Sex, Discipline.

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