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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Atlas Obscura talks about the Victorian language of flowers:
Maybe you thought it was annoying that bits of Jane Eyre expected you to know French; Charlotte Brontë also expected you to understand that when Jane looks at snowdrops, crocuses, purple auriculas, and golden-eyed pansies in chapter nine, she's feeling hopeful, cheerful, modest, and preoccupied with the connection between money and happiness. (Romie Stott)
Not the first time that vampirism in Wuthering Heights is discussed. On LitReactor:
Vampires in Wuthering Heights. Seriously? Yes, seriously. This is no movie adaptation taking liberties; this is a valid interpretation with textual evidence to support it. Whether you choose to push that interpretation to metaphorical or literal levels is up to you.
But first, a spoiler warning: in the process of explaining my interpretation, I will spoil the hell out of this novel. And yeah, it came out over 150 years ago, but if you’ve had it on your to-read list, go ahead and bookmark this post and come back once you’ve read it. (And go read it now, because it’s awesome.)
Okay, let’s cut right to the chase. Within Wuthering Heights there’s plenty of evidence to read this plot: Cathy becomes a vampire, haunting Heathcliff for years before finally turning him into one as well, so they – joined at last – can roam the moors eternally as the undead.
Think I’m smoking something? Let’s break it down. (Read more) ( Annie Neugbauer)
The Huffington Post interviews the writer Beth Lewis:
Who are your literary influences? (Mark Rubinstein)
My biggest influence is Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. That novel really cemented for me the importance of setting and emotion, and the raw brutality of the wild. Apart from Brontë, David Mitchell has had the biggest influence on my writing. He kick-started my wanting to become a writer. When I read Cloud Atlas, a light bulb went off in my head.
5minutesformom mentions Jane Eyre sequels like
The common denominator is that, oddly enough, the farther you go from the original, the better. If you try to stay too close, it doesn’t work. I’ve read two recreations of Jane Eyre that both worked remarkably well. One, The Flight of Gemma Hardy, is an homage, a modern retelling that does a good job picturing our equivalents to Victorian people. The other, Wide Sargasso Sea, tells the story from the point of view of Bertha, Rochester’s first wife, the madwoman in the attic. Both had enough original material that each story stands on its own, which I think is another important element, and both weren’t trying to hard to recreate a beloved character in a new role. (Elizabeth)
Charlotte Ahlin selects on Bustle two Brontë quotes on her list of best breakup lines in literature:
Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you,—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you!
― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart...? I have not one word of comfort. You deserve this. You have killed yourself. Yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they'll blight you—they'll damn you. You loved me—what right had you to leave me?
― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
RMF24 (Poland) is interested in photography in Northern England:
Peak District nie jest krainą nieskończoną. Jest za to nieskończenie piękny: poranne mgły, bezkresne wrzosowiska i skały wyrastające z dolin gdzie kiedyś wylegiwały się dinozaury. Do tego edenu przylega hrabstwo Yorkshire. Ta cześć Anglii to dla mnie również cień literatury i obejrzanych w przeszłości filmów. To tu - wyobrażałem sobie - musieli wędrować bohaterowie książek sióstr Brontë. Tym powietrzem oddychała Jane Eyre, myśląc o pisaniu. To na tych wichrowych wzgórzach zadręczał się Heathcliff. W lecie fotografuje się je lekko, ale jesienią ten region nie jest przyjazny. Zimą staje się niemożliwy. Trzeba wtedy nosić w sobie dużo ciepła i światła, żeby nie ulec melancholii. (Bogdan Frymorgen) (Translation)
Sydsvenskan (Sweden) explores the literature of Jamaica Kincaid. There are also mentions of other important Caribbean writers:
Ett välkänt exempel är Jean Rhys, som växte upp på Dominica och som senare, i ”Wide Sargasso Sea” från 1966, lät den galna kvinnan på vinden, Rochesters jamaicanska fru Bertha i ”Jane Eyre”, få en egen roman. Så flyttade Rhys centrum från Janes England till Berthas Karibien. (Karin Nykvist) (Translation)
20 Minutos (Argentina) is interested in the works of the illustrator Santiago Caruso:
Nada sabía de la obra de este autotildado “artista simbolista de lenguaje vanguardista” —la definición es de su web, que recomiendo para padecer, es decir, sentir que el vacío cotidiano se pliega y esconde sulfuro— hasta que le encargaron ilustrar una edición especialmente gótica de Jane Eyre, publicada en inglés por The Folio Society para celebrar el bicentenario de Charlotte Brönte (sic). (Helena Celdrán and José Ángel González) (Translation)
The Newark Advertiser and The Derbyshire Times announces the ChapterHouse Theatre production of Wuthering Heights, that will be performed on Saturday at Nottingham Castle. Des Livres, Des Livres! (in French) recommends Stéphane Labbe's  Les sœurs Brontë à 20 ans.


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