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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016 10:20 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Six  books for shy readers in The Guardian. One of them is Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca:
Rather like Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Mrs de Winter wins her confidence when she tames a wild husband. Unlike Jane, she never gets a first name. (Katy Guest)
Financial Times reviews The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914 by Richard J Evans:
In these sketches, and throughout the volume, Evans gives thorough coverage to the continent as a whole, especially when it comes to writers and intellectuals. The Hungarian poet Bertalan Szemere and melodramatic Swedish novelist Fredrika Bremer each receive lengthy treatment (Bremer, a sort of Swedish Charlotte Brontë and a feminist reformer, enjoyed enormous popularity in both Britain and America). On the other hand, more familiar figures such as Tocqueville, Flaubert and John Stuart Mill get somewhat short shrift. (David Bell)
The Telegraph interviews the actress and writer Talulah Riley:
The writers who inspire me most are all women: Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Margaret Mitchell and Emily and Charlotte Brontë. (...)
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
It may be billed as a romance, but this is also dark and explores power balances between couples, which I find fascinating. (Rachel Hosie)
Mic Book Club talks about Rebecca Traister's All the Single Ladies. Once again we happen to see how twisted her views on Charlotte's relationship with her husband are:
Her chapter on female friendship is titled, "Dangerous as Lucifer Matches" — a quote from the husband of Charlotte Brontë in reference to letters she exchanged with her best lady friend, Ellen Nussey. Having browsed some of the letters these two sent to each other, Brontë's husband, Arthur Bell Nicholls, seemed shaken by their intimacy and asked Nussey to burn every letter she had received from his wife. He threatened, that if she did not promise to burn them he would no longer let Brontë and Nussey see each other.
It's a dramatic sentiment: The love between women is so threatening it must be burned. Yet it's a relatable sentiment today for a romantic interest to be deeply jealous, perplexed or even threatened by the depth of the emotional connection you share with your bestie. (Samhita Mukhopadhyay)
He was not shaken by any intimacy, he was worried that letters so frank and with so many unveiled references to other people would be (as it ultimately happened) read by others.

The Conversation reviews about the film Swallows and Amazons 2016:
It is clear, that works of literature about place allow the reader to escape into an earlier, easier world – and in the case of the Lake District, a world fixed in that perfect past by virtue of being a National Park.
This type of literary tourism seems to be a peculiarly British phenomenon – think Shakespeare’s Stratford, Dickens’ London, The Brontë’s Yorkshire, Hardy’s Wessex – but one that is attractive to visitors worldwide. (Sally Bushell)
The author Jamie Le Fay on Blockchain:
I was as excited and delighted with Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre as I was with Battlestar Galactica (the original TV series). The Mists of Avalon, an Arthurian legend retelling from the point of view of the female characters, had as much effect on me as Cosmos by Carl Sagan.
Inspirational quotes on #Amreading:
1. “Life appears to me too short to be spent  in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.”
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Technological advances have brought great things to this world, but they have also made it easier to spread strife and animosity, criticizing strangers near and far for the slightest of wrongs or differences in personality or culture. This poignant quote of Brontë’s pulls us back to reality, reminding us that such negativity wastes the precious minutes that life grants to us. (Katie DiFilippo)
Books for reading time and time again on Babamail:
Jane Eyre
For much of its history, the novel has been a medium where strong female characters have reveled. This was never more true than in Charlotte Brontë's most famous story about the feisty Jane Eyre. Jane is one of my favorite literary heroines.
UniversoHQ (Brazil) reviews the Portuguese translation of Jane, le renard et moi:
Escrita e desenhada respectivamente pelas canadenses Fanny Britt e Isabelle Arsenault, a HQ utiliza a obra literária britânica como “fuga” da protagonista Hélène, uma garota introvertida que não tem nada de gorda, apesar do constante bullying das companheiras de escola.
Assim que adentra ao universo vitoriano onde a (também oprimida e sofrida) Jane Eyre busca sua emancipação, o belo traço cinzento de Isabelle Arsenault ganha fortes e bem marcadas cores, enfatizando esses momentos de escapismos da personagem principal.
Formando um breve paralelo comparativo, o Século 19 em que viviam Charlotte Brontë e suas irmãs escritoras (dentre elas Emily, autora de O morro dos ventos uivantes) era uma época em que a literatura popular era considerada “perigosa” para os jovens, ávidos pela liberdade de espírito e pela erudição precoce.
Uma mulher como Jane Eyre era uma heroína lutando pela independência moldada no condicionamento feminino daquele período, cujas expectativas sociais eram restritas e resumidas a prendas domésticas e “bons” casamentos. Eyre – que “se tornou adulta e brilhante e magra e sábia” – reflete tudo que a pequena leitora quer ser. (Audaci Junior) (Translation)
Bücherstöberecke (in German) reviews Wuthering Heights; Quirkbooks suggest ways to cheer up Heathcliff; Bibliophilove (in Spanish) and Once Upon a Book Star post about Jane Eyre.


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