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Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016 7:00 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
KWBU's Likely Stories reviews The Brontë Cabinet by Deborah Lutz:
Deborah Lutz has written a warm, lovely, and informative look into the secret lives of Anne, Emily, and Charlotte Brontë. The Brontës Cabinet: Three Lives in Nine Objects is a delicious and wonderful trip to Haworth Parsonage in the middle of the 19thcentury. Take a walk on the Yorkshire moors and feel their presence. 5 Stars. (Jim McKeown)
Time Out London looks for historical things to see at Bank:
5. The Smith, Elder & Co. Panels, 32 Cornhill
The publishers Smith, Elder & Co. (founded 1839) were expecting a visit from their clients Acton, Currer and Ellis Bell in 1848. What they soon realised was that those were pseudonyms and it was Anne, Emily and Charlotte Brontë they'd been dealing with. The sisters thought that by adopting male names they would be taken more seriously and during that visit they had to show their correspondence with the publishers in order to be accepted as the true authors. A wooden panel remembers this as well as other scenes from local history. (Katie Wignall)
myRepública asks several writers and theatre aficionados about what makes a good antagonist:
However, the lines between good and bad tend to blur as we grow older. I believe as a mature reader, it gets trickier to label a character as ‘pure evil’ because we can always look at the character from different angles. If we were to analyze the circumstances, factor in the said antagonist’s history or investigate their motives, many times we can see their point of view as well. For instance, I remember the Bertha character from Jane Eyre. She is portrayed as a mad woman who eventually burns down Rochester’s house. I used to think of her as one of Jane’s nemesis, however, now when I read Jane Eyre again, I find myself sympathizing with Bertha. (Archana Thapa)
Contactmusic reviews the album I, Gemini by Let's Eat Grandma:
No matter: like earlier releases Deep Six Textbook (Crepuscular trip hop meets Beach House) and Eat Shiitake Mushrooms (Lysergic, busting nursery rhymes in the style of Bush's Wuthering Heights) it's as gloriously under the top, a smorgasbord of ideas that struggles to keep up with itself. (Andy Peterson)
MPR News gives advice for getting kids to read:
Don't force the classics
Even if you feel in love with Jules Verne and "Jane Eyre" as a young reader, it doesn't mean your children will. Forcing classics on reluctant readers won't make anyone happy.
Emma Critchley is quite concerned about the idea of sex robots in The Huffington Post:
Will these female bots take our place and will we be banished to the attic as a mad woman? Do we all face becoming Mrs Rochester from Jane Eyre? The creation of the sex bot is taking us back to the Victorian ages. A time where women were considered property of their husbands.
ABC (Spain) reviews the theatre play Mientras Tanto which has a nod to the Brontës:
«Mientras tanto» contiene también un sutil homenaje a las hermanas Brontë: sus personalidades se transparentan en las de las protagonistas, llamadas también Carlota, Emilia y Ana, y que, como las homónimas escritoras inglesas, pretenden dirigir el timón de sus propias vidas. La comedia estáestupendamente escrita y estructurada, los caracteres femeninos dibujados con la viveza de los apuntes tomados del natural, igual que los diálogos, llenos de frescura y una espontaneidad que denota un meticuloso trabajo de observación. (Juan Ignacio García Garzón) (Translation)


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