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Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Haworth Old School Room is not the only Brontë-related place who has recently obtained a grant for helping repair its roof. Keighley News talks about Stanbury's St Gabriel's Church:
Stanbury's St Gabriel's Church has been awarded £33,800 to fix its roof.
The church successfully applied for the grant through the Government-funded Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund.
It was discovered two years ago that St Gabriel’s roof was in serious need of attention. (...)
Church custodians worked out that the remedial works were likely to cost about £56,880.
Stanbury Church, which was initially built as a Sunday School, was opened in 1848 and meant to accommodate a maximum of about 80 worshippers. Although the scheme to build the church was initiated by Rev Patrick Brontë – father of the world famous literary sisters Charlotte, Anne and Emily – the construction of the building was overseen by his curate, the Rev Arthur Bell-Nicholls, who subsequently married Charlotte. (Miran Rahman)
The Craven Herald & Pioneer presents some of the activities at the upcoming Pendle Walking Festival:
The West Craven area will be part of the UK’s largest free walking festival starting on Saturday.
The week-long Pendle Walking Festival, which runs until August 21, includes 71 free guided walks for all levels of walkers, including a great choice suitable for families.
“The Pendle Walking Festival highlights some fascinating glimpses of Pendle’s history,” explained Pendle’s tourism officer, Mike Williams.
"It includes Pendle’s little-known Brontë connections as this year is the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth in 1816.
The Scotsman reviews the performances of We Are Brontë at the Edinburgh Fringe:
Anyone turning up to enjoy a biographical retelling of that most talented but tragic of families, the Brontës – or indeed a stage adaptation of one of their books – will be sadly disappointed. For those open to a little ­foolishness and irreverence, born out of a love for Charlotte, ­Emily, Anne and Branwell, it’s a hoot.  (...) Some references are easier to spot than others – Jane Eyre wandering around Thornfield Hall, Heathcliff scouring the moors for Cathy – and any number of people dying of tuberculosis. But attempting to spot who’s who is part of the fun, even if you haven’t got a clue. Besides, as the performers point out, most people are only there because they love Kate Bush. (Kelly Apter)
TVBomb reviews yet another production at the Edinbugh Fringe, Dyad Productions' Jane Eyre by
Happily, there is nothing poor or little about this show. The script by Elton Townend Jones is nothing short of marvellous, and the consummate skill with which he condenses such complex source material to an hour and a half pales only against the seemingly effortless way he makes it sing onstage. This is no costumed reading of a book upon the boards, nor a monotonous monologue, but rather a full-blooded, vein-tingling theatrical adaptation that more than earns the title “play”. (...)
There is nothing whatsoever obscure about this production. It is an intellectual and spiritual liaison between writer and actor and audience, which plays out at a tremendous pace – only letting up at the final crescendo – and which transcends the artificially-imposed barriers of time, page, class and stage to speak directly to the audience’s soul – if, that is, they have the wit to listen. (Laura Ingram)
The Orange Leader presents the ongoing exhibition at the Stark Museum of Art in Orange, TX:
Collecting Conversations, a new exhibition, opening August 6, 2016, that invites the public to connect with the Collection of the Stark and Lutcher family in unique and interesting ways.
Everyone collects something. People buy keepsakes to remind them of their travels. They keep treasures to pass down through their families. Some seek objects that can teach them about the world. Others collect items that are valuable, beautiful, rare, or quirky. Such “stuff” tells stories, sometimes about the objects, sometimes about the collector and often about both. (...)
The exhibition includes items collected by Frances Ann Robinson Lutcher, (1841-1924) Miriam Melissa Lutcher Stark, (1859-1936) and by Henry Jacob Lutcher Stark (1887-1965). Included are a silver pitcher, a bronze sculpture, brilliant cut glass, china, pottery, Navajo weavings, jewelry, paintings, and rare books. (...)
Also on view are rare books of historic and intellectual importance by John Milton, Charlotte Brontë and John James Audubon.
Record Searchlight talks about another exhibition at the Siskiyou Arts MuseumBetween the Covers:
The call went out last month: The Siskiyou Arts Museum in Dunsmuir was looking for artwork inspired by books. The response, from more than two dozen artists, will be on display in its "Between the Covers" show starting Saturday [August 13] and will feature a wide variety of media: paintings, sculpture, collage and photography.
Jess Perriseau of Mount Shasta is a book lover and avid reader who crafted a couple of paper wreaths out of the pages of two of her favorite books, Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” and Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre.” [on the right hand side, Source] (Tim Holt)
Bustle on films you can see on Netflix when you want to be alone:
Jane Eyre 2011
Period films are always great to watch solo — mostly because they tend to be about pretty lonely, independent characters. Jane Eyre is really the story of one woman finding her place in a lonely world, making it a perfect accompaniment to a lonely evening. Plus there's Michael Fassbender. (Olivia Truffaut-Wong)
Edinburgh Guide reviews the piece Blood Will Have Blood, seen at the Fringe:
The notion of pursuing Fleance, the son of Banquo, off the stage and out of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ is an interesting one.
The idea of creating a story for a character that already exists is one that has inspired others, perhaps most notably Jean Rhys, who, in her novel ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ imagines the previous life of the unfortunate Mrs. Rochester of “Jane Eyre’. (Bill Dunlop)
Patheos on influential books:
Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë (I was in love with this book when I was fourteen. In love with it. “They say the murdered haunt their murderers, then haunt me Cathy!…I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul.” Man, this was like everything an emo Victorian lit geek could possibly want.) (Melinda Selmys)
CNET recommends podcasts:
In Our Time
I like In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg for deep-dive discussions on subjects you knew you wanted to learn about, like the invention of photography and Jane Eyre, to ones you didn't know you should know about, like the Lancashire cotton famine during the US Civil War and the female Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut. (Stephen Shankland)
An announcement concerning the Northern Ballet Company in Keighley News:
The premier dancers at Leeds-based Northern Ballet will take a leave of absence from the company to pursue new opportunities.
But the company has confirmed Martha Leebolt and Tobias Batley will return as resident guest artists to perform in Northern Ballet’s Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet from September to October. (Miran Rahman)
One of the events at the upcoming Brontë Festival of Women's Writing at the Brontë Parsonage Museum is particularly highlighted in Keighley News:
The psychology of small things will be the subject of a panel discussion led by three authors in Haworth.
Writers Tracy Chevalier, Grace McCleen and Jessie Burton will be at West Lane Baptist Centre from 7.30pm on Saturday September 10.
The event, called The Magic of the Miniature, forms part of the Bronte Festival of Women's Writing, which has been organised to celebrate Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte's status as pioneering female authors. (Miran Rahman)
Style Me Pretty compiles romantic quotes on marriage and love. Including this one from Chapter XXVII in Jane Eyre:
I have for the first time found what I can truly love – I have found you. You are my sympathy – my better self – my good angel – I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wrap my existence about you–and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one. (List by Gabrielle Hurwitz)
Incidentally, The Huffington Post also compiles love quotes 'off the beaten path':
“If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights (Dr. Nikki Martinez)
Hunt News (India) interviews model Mercy Brewer:
What are you currently reading[?]
Reading Wuthering Heights [again!] by Emily Brontë[.]
Finally, an alert for today, August 11th, in Springfield, Missouri:
Midtown Carnegie Branch Library
For adults
Tackle the Modern Library's 100 Best Novels with us, one at a time.
Thursday, August 11, 6 p.m. "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
In the upstairs meeting room. (Via Springfield News-Leader)
If Mermaids Wore Suspenders posts a fairy tale retelling of Jane Eyre; Des Plumes et Des Livres (in French), 198x129 and Luke McGrath review Wuthering Heights;  the Brussels Brontë Blog reviews Sheila Kohler's Becoming Jane EyreBooks and Things vlogs about two compilations of Brontë-related stories: Reader, I Married Him and The Red Room.


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