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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016 12:03 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Vermont's Seven Days interviews Lisa Buckton, Teen Librarian at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington:
SD: Are there clientele with whom you've really connected? (Ken Picard)
LB: I have some kids who I feel particularly close to. There's one girl, who's maybe 14, who would come in and tell me about the classic literature she's reading; we'd bond over Jane Eyre and talk about what podcasts we're listening to, then give each other listening assignments.
The Yorkshire Post on the value of an arts degree:
Yet we simply cannot write off the study of the great subjects and sacrifice them all on the altar of progress. As a graduate with a degree in English Literature and Language, I’d like to argue how studying the works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, the Brontës and TS Eliot does actually equip you for life. My degree, a 2:1 from Keble College, Oxford, is as traditional as it comes. It includes the study of Anglo-Saxon, the translation of which literally made me cry. (Jayne Dowle)
Variety interviews Penny Dreadful's production designer, Jonathan McKinstry:
I have to ask about another season two set. The Cut Wife’s cottage. I thought it was incredible. Did you build that?  (Maureen Ryan)
Yes. We built the whole interior on a stage and we build the exterior on a location not far from the studio in an area that felt like it could be the moors. [It was the show’s] Heathcliff moment out on the wild moors. That was a giant set, but it was fun to do, and there was a whole episode dedicated to that set, so it was worth investing in getting it right.
Whatculture is tired of Hollywood always making the same remakes:
Hollywood knows its future lies in trading off famous titles, but that doesn’t mean they have to keep remaking Wuthering Heights, Beauty And The Beast or The Magnificent Seven.
Nevertheless we should say that the last Hollywood (sort of) version of Wuthering Heights is Wuthering Heights 1992.

Alice Mattison writes about women taking charge on TinHouse:
It’s easier to write about the work of men and the private life of women. Looking for models, I find books about women who are teachers, from Charlotte Brontë’s Villette to The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and beyond.
Dhaka Tribune repeats one of those pieces of trivia that can be found time and time again on the net. A reference to A Coward Soul is Mine in the videogame Portal (2007):
Or take Portal for instance. This classic by Valve corporation throws in an allusion to something as obscure as Russell’s Paradox, and there are
scribbles of Schrodinger’s wave functions.
Not stopping there, the game depicts pastiches of Emily Dickinson’s “The Chariot,” Emily Brontë’s No Coward Soul is Mine, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Reapers and The Flowers.” (Syed Raiyan Nuri Reza)
But the reference, if it is a reference, is really quite loose as you can see on the right (capture courtesy of Emezeta).

Librópatas (Spain) after reading The Brontë Cabinet retells the story of Emily Brontë writing while ironing:
Los recuerdos de aquellos que trabajaban en la vicaría mientras Emily Brontë estaba escribiendo Cumbres Borrascosas hablan, como recuerda Deborah Lutz en el muy interesante The Brontë Cabinet, que mientras planchaba, Emily pensaba en su trama, lo que hacía que de vez en cuando parase de planchar para apuntar líneas en un papel. Siempre tenía un lápiz con ella y así no perdía lo que había pensado. (Raquel C. Pino) (Translation)
Telva (Spain) interviews the interior designer Serge Castella:
Su biografía en su página web, es toda una declaración de intenciones, una enumeración de aquello que adora: Jean Michel Frank, el Mediterráneo, la Roma antigua, Diego Giacometti, todos los quesos, las hermanas Brontë, mi hermana, Picasso..., entre risas le hago prometer que añadirá TELVA a su lista. (Elena Flor) (Translation)
Diario Popular (Argentina) talks about the writer Mariana Enríquez:
No arrancó necesariamente por el terror. En su casa había una biblioteca grande, muy grande. Y a los 8, 9 años, Mariana leía todo lo que allí había. De una manera "omnívora", recuerda. Clásicos como Cumbres borrascosas, Tom Sawyer y Mujercitas, se turnaban con Frankenstein y con los cuentos de Julio Cortázar. Cuentos que lograban inquietarla. (Natalia Arenas) (Translation)
Asteroide B612 (in Spanish) reviews Jane Eyre;  Bücherstöberecke (in German) interviews Jane and Mr Rochester; Paisleypiranha posts about Wuthering Heights.


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