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Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Another alert from the Brontë Parsonage for today, June 17:
We Wove a Web in Childhood
A performance by Haworth Primary School pupils
June 17th 2016 02:00pm

Everyone is invited to join us for We Wove a Web in Childhood, a short performance by the Year 5 pupils of Haworth Primary School. This performance is the end result of a project in partnership with Brontë Parsonage Museum and the South Asian Arts organisation, Kala Sangam.

In this project the children have been finding out about Haworth in the early 19thcentury and the lives of the Brontës as children, especially the creation of imaginary worlds and the production of their amazing, tiny little books. With Museum staff and artists from Kala Sangam, the children have been exploring - through workshops - how to develop what they have learnt into a story and to use the elements of dance and visual arts to develop this into performance.

This is a repeat of the performance that took place on 19 May.

Performance lasts approximately 30 minutes. Free admission.
The Telegraph & Argus adds:
The children researched, made props and learned dances to put together a lively, exciting and sometimes moving performance.
School head Helen Thompson said. “The passion and enthusiasm of the children really shines through." (David Knights)


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