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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Both Charlotte and Anne Brontë appear on this list of '10 Bestselling Authors Who You Had No Idea Wrote More Than One Novel' compiled by Bustle.
3. Charlotte Brontë
I spent most of my life assuming that Jane Eyre was the only novel Charlotte Brontë ever published. However, she actually published two more books during her lifetime: Villette, the tale of an English woman who becomes a teacher in a French boarding school, and Shirley, a story about a wealthy, land-owning woman living in a town threatened by the unrest of its unemployed working class.
4. Anne Brontë
Ok, yes, thanks to Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights I assumed that all three of the Brontë sisters only published a novel apiece. Once again, I was wrong. Besides The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne also published Agnes Grey, which focuses on a young woman who becomes a governess for a number of wealthy families and falls in love with the new parson. While Agnes Grey was published around the same time as Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, Anne wouldn't find literary fame until the publications of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. (Shaun Fitzpatrick)
Le Monde (France) asks Augustin Trapenard - of Emily Brontë's devoirs fame around these parts - to describe himself as a false rumour:
Vous êtes un complot ou une fausse rumeur…
Ce n’est pas Emily Brontë qui a écrit  Les Hauts de Hurlevent mais son frère poète, alcoolique et dépravé Branwell Brontë. (Marie Godfrain) (Translation)
Imola Oggi (Italy) seems to quote from Oriana e Firenze by Riccardo Nencini but still this is a blunder:
Riccardo Nencini -  il suo ultimo libro: ‘Il fuoco dentro’ -  non è solo un protagonista della politica toscana e un apprezzato scrittore, ma è soprattutto l’amico di Oriana che le fu accanto fino alla morte. Ricordate? “Sono alla fine, Riccardo, e voglio morire a Firenze. Ed ora ci siamo. Ma morirò in piedi, come Emily Brontë”. (Translation)
Weird as she famously (though perhaps not truthfully) died on the sofa at the Parsonage.

Writer Marcela Serrano picks her favourite authors for Economía y Negocios (Chile).
2 Las hermanas Brontë. Me excuso por ponerlas juntas, ya que sus respectivas obras son tan diferentes: Emily es loca y fantástica, Charlotte es la testigo de su tiempo. Sus mejores obras: "Jane Eyre" y "Cumbres borrascosas". (Translation)
El Progreso (Spain) has a long article on Charlotte Brontë and a print-the-legend account of her letters to Heger. Oberon Design writes about her too. E Is for Emma reviews Northern Ballet's Jane Eyre. The Brontë Parsonage Blog tells about a Brontë quiz Night with questions compiled by Eggheads' Barry Simmons. Matthew's Library posts shortly about Tracy Chevalier's Reader, I Married Him. The Brussels Brontë Blog has a post on Italian translations and reprints of Villette.


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