
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Wednesday, June 01, 2016 10:54 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    3 comments
BBC News has a clip filmed at the film set of To Walk Invisible showing both the set and some scenes being filmed as well as interviews with the actors who play Branwell and Charlotte. Don't miss it!

EDIT: Regrettably the video doesn't seem to be online anymore, but we have this other one on the BBC One Look North Facebook wall. (Not anymore... again)

Also, on Facebook you can see pictures of the set being dismantled (which saddens us enormously, to be honest).

News OK describes 'the best of women' in 7 words. And one of them is
4. Virtuous
To be virtuous is to be righteous and pure. Here, we are referring to virtuous as upstanding, moral and ethical, which is a positive characteristic in a disintegrating society. The beauty of your spirit and thought lies within and a great byproduct is self-respect.
From the story of Jane Eyre, Jane remains virtuous through all the trials she has faced from her job as a governess to keeping herself pure from Edward Rochester. With the tag of virtuous, we keep our self-worth intact over a lifetime. (Valerie Steimle)
iLeón (Spain) finds a Brontëite in poet Cristina Flantains
La poeta y narradora Marta Muñiz Rueda, que tuvo a bien presentarlo a mediados de mayo en León, contaba que esta obra tiene reminiscencias y ecos de autores que seguramente han calado hondo en la Cristina lectora (las hermanas Brönte (sic), Jane Austen, Pizarnik o Doris Lessing y otros autores de la llamada poesía pura de los 50, como Gamoneda. [...]
¿Cuáles son tus fuentes literarias a la hora de escribir? Normalmente leo cosas de calidad contrastada, aunque hay veces que por necesidades del guión leo algún best seller. Depende de detrás de lo que ande en cada momento bebo de unas fuentes o de otras. Machado sobre todas las cosas, Azorín, Unamuno, Baroja, Nabokov, Dostoievski, Chéjov,  las Brontë, James Austen, Pizarnik, Colette, Juan Pedro Aparicio, Mestre, Gamoneda, Doris Lessing, Alberto Chimal, Djuna Barnes, Stendhal... la lista no tiene fin. (Manuel Cuenya) (Translation)
La Nación (Argentina) has some recommendations for young readers.
Y para orientar el buen gusto por las historias románticas no hay nada mejor que Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë y Orgullo y prejuicio, de Jane Austen". (Cecilia Acuña) (Translation)
Les soeurs Brontë (in French) has a post on the Pillar Portrait. Daily Mayo has a ranking of Jane Eyre adaptations. Art and Place - Finding the Right Words posts about Jane Eyre and the Brontë Parsonage. L'Amica dei Libri (in Italian) reviews Lyndall Gordon's Charlotte Brontë. A Passionate Life. Factually Deficient reviews The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Writer Off The Least has visited Haworth.


  1. Is it just me who can't see more than a 20 second clip with no actor interviews in that BBC article.?

  2. EDIT: Regrettably the video doesn't seem to be online anymore, but we have this other one on the BBC One Look North Facebook wall.
