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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Aftenposten (Norway) has an article on Anne Brontë:
Kanskje var hun for ærlig for sitt eget beste
Hvorfor blir vi aldri ferdig med Brontë-søstrene? Det enkle svaret er vel at de står bak to av 1800-tallslitteraturens mest pasjonerte og høydramatiske kjærlighetsfortellinger, om Jane og Rochester, Catherine og Heathcliff (se sidesak).
Det litt mer kompliserte svaret handler om at romanene de skrev er formmessig avanserte og kan leses på en rekke ulike måter. Emily Brontës Wuthering Heights fra 1847 er visstnok det mest analyserte verket i engelsk litteraturforskning
Litteraturhistorien har ikke fart like pent med den yngste av de tre prestedøtrene fra Yorkshire, Anne – hun er blitt mer eller mindre avskrevet som den uten talent. Men er det bare mangel på begavelse som gjør at hun er glemt, eller er forklaringen mer sammensatt? (Translation) (Anne Merethe K. Prinos)
TheGay UK reviews Northern Ballet's new Jane Eyre production:
At times the choreography was beautifully done, leaning far more towards the contemporary rather than the traditional, with a lot of delicate lifts, floor work and precise movement, contrasting moments of tender intimacy with complex ensemble pieces. Both Dreda Blow and Javier Torres’ performances were more than noteworthy and displayed their professional competence; whilst overall, the supporting company’s movements were of their usual high quality. (...)
Overall, adapting Jaye (sic) Eyre is a huge task and one which is beautifully staged and performed, but the juxtaposition of the contemporary dance and the period setting, coupled with the rushed narrative amounts to a production which is enjoyable, but doesn’t quite come together to be more than the sum of its parts. (Paul Szabo
An auction in Bradford with Brontë echoes. In The Telegraph & Argus:
A leisure complex in Bradford city centre is up for auction with a £1 million price tag.
Glydegate Square in The Chester Street - which houses the Tequila nightclub and was formerly home to the Walkabout pub chain, was built in 2002.
Also included in the auction is Fountain House site, a grade II listed Victorian facade of the former Fountain Hall Quaker meeting house in Fountain Street in the city centre.
The lot also includes a gated 16-space car park, and is next to the site where Branwell Bronte, brother to Charlotte, Emily and Anne, took lodgings between 1838 and 1839, and earned a living as a portrait artist, before he took to drink and drugs. (Mark Stanford)
The Sunday Leader (Sri Lanka) has an article vindicating Wide Sargasso Sea:
One of my favourite books of all time, Wide Sargasso Sea, is a powerful novel by Jean Rhys’ published in 1966 as a prequel to Charlotte Brontë’s ‘Jayne Eyre’(sic), published in 1847. Why write a prequel to such a classic book over 100 years later? Rhys noticed that the character of Bertha Mason (the infamous mad woman in the attic) had no voice, people spoke on her behalf. Rhys felt that Brontë’s treatment of the character of Bertha Mason was a little unfair. Bertha deserved to have her story told just as much as Jane did. (Read more) (Sadhana Senanayake)
The Stuff (New Zealand) reviews Caitlin Moran's Moranifesto:
The eldest of eight children, with an astonishingly impractical father whose health issues prevented him from working and a mother who kept everyone alive, Moran also drew inspiration from Miss Piggy, Anne of Green Gables, Jane Eyre and Judy Garland. Strong, awkward females who wanted more from life than anyone thought they should have – who had the gall to think they could be leading ladies too. (Eleanor Black)
Justin Chang in Los Angeles Times lists several of the films seen at the Cannes Film Festival. Including Park Chan Wook's The Handmaiden:
A sort of “Gaslight”-meets-“Jane Eyre” with a big ol' splash of “Diabolique,” “The Handmaiden” has predictably generated a lot of ink over its explicit lesbian love scenes — a touch that might well have been decried as exploitative (just as “Blue is the Warmest Color” came under attack here at Cannes three years ago), if not for the righteous narrative primacy that Park grants his leading ladies.
Still in Cannes. Todd McCarthy (The Hollywood Reporter) is not a fan of Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights 2011:
I liked Arnold's initial film work, up to a point, but her dreadfully misjudged Wuthering Heights and now this reveal the extreme limits of her talent.
The film is mentioned in a review of Sophie Barthes's Madame Bovary in El País (Spain):
Una cualidad que acaba emparentándola con otra adaptación de novela clásica adaptada recientemente con renovada fuerza por una mujer, las Cumbres borrascosas de Andrea Arnold, y que queda articulada como prolongación de la naturaleza interior del personaje ("yo solo quería emociones, no disciplina"): un junco salvaje en tiempos de ataduras sociales. (Javier Ocaña) (Translation)
And El Mundo (Spain) returns to Cannes comparing Wuthering Heights 2011 and Andrea Arnold's latest films American Honey:
En el centro, la historia de amor entre la protagonista interpretada por Sasha Lane y el personaje de Shia Labeouf trae a la memoria algunos de los instantes mejor definidos, arrebatados y profundamente libres de Cumbres borrascosas. (Luis Martínez) (Translation)
La Huella Digital (Spain) interviews the writer Nieves Abarca:
P.: ¿Cuál es tu novela favorita y de qué autor? ¿Te gusta releerte un libro si te ha gustado mucho? ( Marta Morales Regacho )
R.: Tengo muchas y muchos autores favoritos. Me fascinan Cumbres borrascosas y Jane Eyre. Y de españolas: Olvidado Rey Gudú de Ana María Matute y No llames a casa de Carlos Zanón. (Translation)
Diário de Notícias (Portugal) interviews Paula Rego who highlights the deep Portuguese substrate of her works:
Há uma nova exposição da mais famosa pintora portuguesa anunciada para esta quinta-feira. Que mesmo sendo o título da exibição em inglês, Old Meets New, é o mais portuguesa possível. Ora não confessasse a própria Paula Rego isso mesmo na entrevista que concede ao DN a propósito desta nova apresentação em Cascais de quatro séries de trabalhos, quando afirma que enquanto artista se sente assim: "Todo o trabalho que faço é de alguma maneira português. Até a Jane Eyre." (João Céu e Silva) (Translation)
Wymarzona Książka (in Polish) posts about a Polish edition of Elizabeth Gaskell's The Life of Charlotte Brontë.


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