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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:17 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Alerts for today, April 26 and tomorrow April 27:

In Birstall, North Yorkshire:
Discovering the Real Jane Eyre
COFFEE PLUS at Birstall Library
Tuesday 26th April, 10.30am

In 1997 a retired teacher discovered a woman called Jane Eyre had actually lived in West Yorkshire during Charlotte Brontë’s lifetime.
As April celebrates the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth, local history enthusiast Kit Shorten looks at what we know about the real Miss Eyre, and uncovers some interesting Brontë connections of his own.
At Foyles, in London:
Reader, I Married Him with Tracy Chevalier, Lionel Shriver, Joanna Briscoe, and Kirsty Gunn
Tuesday 26th April 2016 7pm - 8:30pm
Venue: The Auditorium at Foyles, Level 6, 107 Charing Cross Road

Celebrating Charlotte Brontë’s life in the year of her bicentenary, this event brings together a panel of authors to discuss the enduring impact of her life and works. They’ll be reading from their contributions to Reader, I Married Him, a new short story collection in which international writers draw inspiration from the immortal line from Jane Eyre and conjure Brontë’s spirit through their own work.
Reader, I Married Him is edited by Tracy Chevalier, author of the bestselling The Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Last Runaway and new novel At the End of the Orchard. She will be joined tonight by authors and fellow contributors Lionel Shriver (We Need to Talk About Kevin, The Mandibles), Joanna Briscoe (Sleep With Me, Skin) and Kirsty Gunn (The Big Music, Infidelities). Join us as we pay tribute to the legacy of one of the most remarkable women in English Literature.
In Knox County, TN:
Brontë Society Meeting: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 27, at Panera Bread, 4855 Kingston Pike.
"How I met the Brontës" discussion.
Info: 865-681-7261 or bronteusa@gmail.com. (Via Knoxville News-Sentinel)


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