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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016 12:30 am by M. in ,    1 comment
This month (April 1 to 30) at the The Gallery of the Manhattan Borough President's Office (Municipal Building, New York):
Jane Freeman, “The Painted Novel” on display all month. 
1 Centre St, 19th Floor
Jane Freeman’s exhibit, “The Painted Novel,” is her response to the pioneering Charlotte Brontë novel, Jane Eyre. Freeman has long been inspired to make art based on Brontë’s work, which led her to also interpret scenes from Frankenstein, Silas Marner, Persuasion, and Wuthering Heights. The reception for the show will be held on April 21st, the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Bronte’s birth.
Penny Anderson discusses the Jane Eyre paintings here. On the website of the artist you can see more paintings and their description:
Charlotte Brontë is a great, visual writer; on every page of Jane Eyre spring astonishing descriptions of people (character and appearance), facades, interiors, nature and weather, inner visions and dreams. These descriptions are key to the emotional power of the novel, and to its complex symbolism and structure. I began painting some of the scenes in order to see—to hold for a moment—what the words unfold in pictures as I read. In the first interview between Rochester and the new governess, he gets to know her by examining her watercolors. He understands her pictorial language, and asks, “Were you happy when you painted these pictures?” She replies, “I was absorbed, sir: yes, and I was happy. To paint them, in short, was to enjoy one of the keenest pleasures I have ever known.” Painting scenes from Jane Eyre is for me, as well.

1 comment:

  1. The paintings and accompanying texts, were a truly enjoyable new experience for me, reminding me again what incomparable geniuses Charlotte, Emily (and the forgotten, inspirational Anne) were. Thank you Bronte Blog, for digging up this diamond in the internet rough ... Joe
