
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:27 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
More All the Single Ladies stuff. Tampa Bay Times talks with Rebecca Traister who gives her opinion on Jane Eyre:
"I always hated it when my heroines got married." (...)
Alas, Traister writes, for Anne Shirley and Jo March, resisting marriage and enjoying themselves — until they surrendered. And, oh, Jane Eyre: Reader, she married him — the guy who kept his first wife locked in the attic. (Colette Bancroft)
In The Observer,for once, her Charlotte Brontë quote is fitting:
The switch from sisterhood to marriage, she recalled, was painful. “I was used to being single, independent, on my own. Meeting my husband and falling in love was an absolute shock.” She quotes Charlotte Brontë, married at 38: “It is a solemn, strange and perilous thing for a woman to become a wife.” (Edward Helmore)
Diversity is celebrated at the Multicultural Fair at K.T. Murphy Elementary School at Stamford, CT:
Parent Camilla Lyons was running the table for England, whose parents are English. She was offering blueberry scones with strawberry jam.
"On our display board we have pictures of Adele, Queen Elizabeth, the Brontë sisters (and many more) all of which are from England," said Lyons. (Jeff Eydt in The Hour
ActuaLitté (France) talks about the novel Les plus grand péché de André Thérive (1924):
Dès lors, le roman devient un huit-clos dont le décor est le manoir où le frère et la soeur ont échoué, au milieu des forêts et des campagnes désertes. On songe à Emily Brontë à certains moments, d'autres fois à Maupassant. (Hervé Bel) (Translation)
Amylois (in Spanish) reviews Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea. A review by Janet Gezari of Valérie V. Hazette's Wuthering Heights on Film and Television: A Journey across Time and Cultures is published on Victorian Web. The Adventures of Lady Anna has visited Haworth and the Parsonage. The author and comedian Isy Suttie reveals her Jane Eyre-side on Weidenfeld & Nicolson Blog.


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