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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Wednesday, March 09, 2016 10:54 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News has information on the filming of Sally Wainwright's To Walk Invisible.
A replica of the Brontë Parsonage will be temporarily created on Penistone Hill as part of a major new BBC drama about the world famous literary family.
The producers of To Walk Invisible, which has been created by award-winning Yorkshire writer and playwright Sally Wainwright, will also turn the clock back in Haworth Main Street to make it resemble its appearance in the 1840s.
The scale of the planned filming was outlined to members of Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council yesterday evening (March 7) by BBC spokesman Andrew Morgan.
Mr Morgan, who is the location manager for the BBC One project, said: "We've studios in Manchester where they are building interior sets of the parsonage, because we can't film inside the parsonage itself.
"We are also building an exterior replica of the parsonage, and our other big set piece will be in Main Street, which we will be turning back to the 1840s.
"This will take two weeks of preparation, two or probably three days of filming followed by a further week of dismantling.
"There will be a lot of work going on in Main Street at the back end of May and in early June."
Mr Morgan said Main Street would be closed between the Black Bull pub and Lodge Street during the first full week of June, with traffic management due to take place in the street for the previous two weeks.
"This will be something very special and we want people to come and see what we're doing," he added.
"As we get closer to the filming some of our staff will be coming to Haworth and distributing leaflets to people to see if they would like to be extras."
Mr Morgan said alternative arrangements were being made to provide parking for coaches which would normally use the Penistone Hill car park during the 1940s Weekend.
He said Main Street traders had been informed of the filming in their area, adding that residents of this street would also be notified.
The drama will revolves around the three Brontë sisters’ increasingly difficult relationship with their brother Branwell, who in the last three years of his life – following a tragic love affair – sank into alcoholism and drug addiction and appalling behaviour.
To Walk Invisible will also explore the siblings’ relationship not only with one another, but with their father, Patrick.
We don't know about the progress of the casting process but here's an actor who's not interested: Pakistan-born actor Art Malik. As he says in Daily Star,
“By all means, do a Dickensian series, but am I interested as an actor? No. If you’re going to do another one of the Brontë sisters, am I interested? Hell, no.
“Not until somebody turns round and says: ‘Art, how do you fancy playing Charles Dickens? How do you fancy playing Prince Charles in this biopic?’
“Until those movements come, then no, we haven’t got past anything.”
More on Rebecca Traister's book All The Single Ladies in Pacific Standard.
Despite the alarmist paranoia they've inspired, Traister finds unattached women were historically a volatile political force, rejecting their proscribed gender roles to engage in political advocacy and organizing. Firestone herself never married, nor did many women activists and artists, a list that includes Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, and Sarah Grimké. Others put marriage off until later in their lives, such as Charlotte Brontë, Beyoncé, Angelina Grimké, Lucy Stone, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett. (Noah Berlatsky)
Again, it's not so much that she consciously put it off as the fact that it happened when it happened.

The Star features the book too and makes the same mistake of seeing things that simply happened as well-thought-out decisions.
Single women through the ages
1840s: Novelists Anne and Emily Brontë pen notable works of fiction but unlike their sister Charlotte, never marry. (Brandie Weikle)
UMSL Daily features a series of events centered on 'Normal is Overrated: Disability in the 21st Century' from March 15 to 18.
[Visiting professor Brenda Jo Brueggemann of the University of Louisville] also sees attention to disability having an impact in her own classroom, where she is currently teaching a general education course titled “Disability in Anglophone Literature,” with volumes such as Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” looming large.
“A literature professor colleague of mine was puzzled about how and why I was teaching ‘Jane Eyre’ in a course about disability,” says Brueggemann, “but my students claimed – without my prompting – in the end that the story as we know it simply does not exist if disability is taken out of it.” (Evie Hemphill)
Now for some leftovers from International Women's Day yesterday. Vanity Fair (Italy) looks at fictional women who should be an inspiration for real.life women. Among them is
Jane Eyre - Quella Tosta
Protagonista dell’omonimo romanzo (1847) di Charlotte Brontë, ha un’infanzia terribile e priva di affetti. Diventa istitutrice e s’innamora del suo “datore di lavoro”, il signor Rochester. Appassionata e coraggiosa, indipendente e libera, non si piega a nessun compromesso. Qui la interpreta, nel film ditetto da Fukunaga nel 2011, Mia Wasikowska. (Francesca Amè) (Translation)
La prensa (Peru) has compiled a similar list which also includes Jane Eyre.
8. Jane Eyre, personaje central de la novela homónima de Charlotte Brontë lanzada en 1847. La rebeldía y el inconformismo ante los valores de la sociedad inglesa la definieron desde su adolescencia en orfandad. (Translation)
And yet another similar list including Jane Eyre in the Evening Times:
3. Jane Eyre
Generations of readers admire the way Jane Eyre constantly questions and pushes back against the rules society placed on her as a woman. She never gives up – and uses her initiative to get her to where she wants to be.
La Semana (Spain) looks at 'women's place in literature'.
Esto explica por qué muchas escritoras de la época tuvieron que publicar su obra bajo seudónimos masculinos, como es el caso de las hermanas Brönte [sic].
Estas hermanas se caracterizan por su rebeldía. Charlotte, con su obra Jane Eyre innova en la forma de pensar y actuar de su protagonista, por ello es considerada una de las novelas precursoras del feminismo y tuvo tanta polémica.  Anne, de manera similar a la novela de su hermana, muestra en Agnes Grey la posición precaria que afronta una institutriz y cómo afecta esa situación a una mujer de la época. Emily opta por dar vida a Catherine, protagonista de Cumbres Borrascas [sic] donde rompe con el orden y la jerarquía de la sociedad del momento. (Sandra Sánchez) (Translation)
According to the Irish Times, it's easier to put together lists of women writers than list of women film directors.
Sadly, when compiling a list of 10 great films by women, a bit more digging is required than would be be necessary if putting together an equivalent list of novels. With apologies to Mr Dickens, a fair-minded chart of the best 19th century British novels could extend to the second half of the top 10 without worrying male writers. A George Eliot here. A bit of Jane Austen there. Some Brontë action. A bit of Mrs Gaskell. You see my point. (Donald Clarke)
Tidningen Kulturen (Sweden) wonders how important books covers truly are and brings up the (in)famous cover of Wuthering Heights mimicking the covers of the Twilight series. A columnist from The Korea Times reminisces about a trip to Haworth. Huffenglish posts about why she loves Wuthering Heights. And Barnes & Noble presents the latest Brontë derivative, Jane Steele.


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