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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:11 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus reports that the producers of Sally Wainwright's To Walk Invisible have requested permission to build a replica of the Brontë Parsonage Museum on the moors.
The producers of a major new BBC production have formally applied to build a temporary replica of the Brontë Parsonage on Penistone Hill.
Plans for the structure have now been submitted to Bradford Council.
The set will also include replicas of properties surrounding the parsonage, including the graveyard and the Old School Room.
If permission is granted the set will be used for the filming of a drama called To Walk Invisible, a project directed by award-winning screen writer Sally Wainwright which will explore the lives of the Brontë family.
A statement accompanying the planning application says the production has been making use of Penistone Hill's upper car park since March 11 and will continue to be based there until June 17.
The car park will be closed to the public until after June 17, though there will still be access to Haworth West End Cricket Club.
The applicant adds: "Signage will be erected informing the public of the set build and security will be on site 24/7. Two portable cabins will [also] be in place." (Miran Rahman)
Slate's new selection for A Year of Great Books is Jane Eyre and Laura Miller explains why in a lengthy article.
Jane Eyre is a deceptively simple novel. It takes place in a stark, elemental landscape during what could be any period in the early 19th century. It’s largely free of topical references, historical context, political commentary, and social comedy; its characters are among the loneliest people in all of literature. There’s something of the fairy tale to Charlotte Brontë’s masterpiece. Although the novel feels suffused with meaning, it can be difficult to explain how it achieves that effect. Unlike Jane Austen, Brontë isn’t interested in presenting realistic, satirical depictions of a set of people and their manners, and unlike Dickens she doesn’t want to hold up a mirror to the age and its failings. All great books reach toward the eternal, but Jane Eyre reaches harder than most. (Read more)
Jane Eyre is also the March read recommended by Donna Glamour (Italy).
Le virtù di una donna: Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë
Scritto nel 1847 dalla scrittrice inglese Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre è un raro esempio di romanzo di formazione al femminile. Scritto in forma autobiografica, il lettore può immedesimarsi completamente nei pensieri e nelle azioni di Jane, osservando il mondo e vivendone le contraddizioni dal suo punto di vista. Lo scorrere del romanzo segue l’evoluzione fisica e psicologica di Jane, che passa dall’essere una ragazza timida e piuttosto insicura alla decisa consapevolezza di una donna matura, cosciente delle sue potenzialità e in grado di operare scelte consapevoli.
Polo complementare della figura di Jane è Mr. Rochester, l’uomo per cui Jane lavorerà in qualità di istitutrice. Mr. Rochester, quintessenza della virilità taciturna, magnetica e misteriosa, combatte in ogni istante della sua vita con un mostro terribile, che gli impedisce di vivere appieno la propria vita. Jane passerà anche attraverso questa prova a testa alta.
Un romanzo importante, scorrevole, mai banale anche a distanza di quasi 200 anni dalla sua pubblicazione. (Translation)
On a lighter note, Bustle tells you what your favourite classic novel says about you and Jane Eyre means that,
You've dated some real... characters. It wouldn't surprise you if one of your exes had a secret wife hidden in his attic. You've been accused of having a "resting bitch face" (because God forbid you ever have a neutral expression instead of grinning like an idiot). When you were younger, you wore a lot of black and preferred books to most of the people in your high school. But you're not unfriendly; you just don't waste your time on amateurs anymore. (Charlotte Ahlin)
And according to Women 24 Wuthering Heights is one of six classic novels 'that have stood the test of time'.
This 1847-published novel is probably one of the most hated, yet at the same time, most loved books ever written. It features relationships filled with all manner of twists and turns. The monumental and intensive tale by Emily Bronté [sic] about Heathcliff and Catherine is not for the faint-hearted and it’s no wonder that the story has still stood the test of time.
La voix du Nord (France) interviews actress Adélaïde Leroux, who plays a romantic heroine in the film Flandres,
– Un rôle assez complexe, qui n’exprime pas ses sentiments mais bout d’une folle passion.
« Elle bout d’une envie de vivre, tout simplement. C’est une passionnée. Elle est entière. Elle a pour moi quelque chose de Jane Eyre. J’y ai énormément pensé tout au long de la préparation du film. On a beaucoup discuté de la façon de retenir les choses. J’ai dû gommer qui j’étais pour me concentrer sur la timidité, la fragilité du personnage. Il fallait qu’elle soit comme un petit oiseau. » (Philippe Lagouche) (Translation)


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