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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Saturday, February 06, 2016 12:12 am by M. in ,    No comments
Today, February 6, at the Brontë Parsonage Museum:
Charlotte Great and Small
Exhibition talk by Tracy Chevalier
February 06th 2016 02:00pm - 04:00pm

To celebrate the launch of "Charlotte Great and Small", novelist and curator Tracy Chevalier will talk about her long-held interest in Charlotte Brontë and the process behind pulling together such a unique exhibition to celebrate Charlotte in her bicentenary year.

“I have always loved Charlotte’s work, and it has been a wonderful luxury while planning this show to get to know her life better. The place where she lived and worked, the clothes she wore, the objects surrounding her, all have a special magic that makes me feel as if Charlotte is just in the next room, nodding.” - Tracy Chevalier
Tracy Chevalier is the author of eight novels, including the international bestseller Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Last Runaway, and the forthcoming At the Edge of the Orchard. Born in Washington, DC, she now lives in London with her husband and son.
And in Sydney, Australia:
Australian Brontë Association
6 February, Castlereagh Boutique Hotel (near Town Hall Station) at 10:30am

AGM; Friends of Charlotte Brontë
An introduction to some of those who knew and loved Charlotte Brontë and the contribution they made to the enduring legacy of their friend’s life and works.


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