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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016 7:41 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Quartz has a 'complete guide to reading—and even enjoying—classic literature'.
Ruth Yeazell, a professor specializing in Victorian literature in Yale University’s English department, personally recommends starting with classics in the Victorian era because the social and historical context of that time may be most similar to that of our own. Novels like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are “not that linguistically or culturally far away” compared to many others, she says.
They were also written specifically for a popular audience—not a particularly elite, intellectual class. That means they could be easiest to get into. And make sure to add some historical and social context into those storylines nonetheless. “Read books in the Oxford and Penguin editions, which have a good introduction and some notes to things you don’t know that might stump you,” Yeazell said. (Amy X. Wang)
Daily Maverick (South Africa) discusses literature and national identity.
Let me give you a for example. I grew up on a diet of English literature and to the extent that there is an English national culture or identity I think that their literature helped shape it. For the English it extends from Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Keats, the Brontës, right through to George Orwell, Ian McEwan and beyond. Many of these ‘classic’ texts are taught in schools, not just examined on, and even if people don’t read the works of these artists beyond their school years these names provide a backdrop to identity, and not of the right-wing UK Independence Party (UKIP) or National Front (NF) kind. (Mark Heywood)
Actualitté (France) reminds readers of the fact that Deadpool hasn't invented the antihero.
Avec la fin du Moyen-Age, plus personne ne croit aux romans d’amour courtois qui présentent le héros comme vertueux en tout point. Les romans de chevalerie à l’eau de rose sont devenus complètement has been ! Les lecteurs veulent pouvoir s’identifier aux personnages et pour cela, il faut qu’ils soient comme les gens normaux : imparfaits physiquement, pas forcément dotés d’une musculature herculéenne, des égoïstes, des manipulateurs à la moralité douteuse, des avides de pouvoir… Et c’est comme ça qu’après quelques petits siècles d’expérimentations on obtient Heathcliff des Hauts de Hurlevent par Emily Brönte [sic]. Pour ce personnage, la vengeance est tout ce qui compte et il passe l’intégralité du livre à faire souffrir les autres personnages. (Translation)
Film de culte (France) reviews the film A Quiet Passion and makes the bold statement of considering Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath and Emily Brontë all shared the same 'disease': hysteria.
D’Emily Dickinson, le grand public connait sans doute davantage la réputation que le travail, et retient peut-être avant tout sa supposée folie (comme cela est régulièrement avec les femmes poètes, d’Emily Brontë à Sylvia Plath – les lieux communs sur l’hystérie ont toujours bon dos). (Gregory Coutaut) (Translation)
Charlotte Brontë wouldn't believe her eyes if she read this description of Haworth in The Peninsula (Qatar).
Now, I know what you’re thinking as you read this- ‘But it’s so lovely to visit England’. I understand this having just spent time in Haworth, walking the cobble-streeted home of the famous Brontë sisters. Haworth is a place where a stream [sic] train runs several times a day. It is surrounded by the heather and gorse covered moors, a misty landscape with a back cloth of wild winter clouds- perfect. It is just the sort of romanticised view of England that people hold in their hearts- along with Harrods of course. (Lauren Booth)
Belfast Telegraph explores County Down:
A further interesting fact about Down is that Patrick Brontë, the father of writers Charlotte, Emily and Anne was born at Emdale, between Banbridge and Rathfriland. The river valley from Banbridge to Rathfriland is called the Brontë Country.
b❤❤p, May to October and reeltakwhereis post about  Jane Eyre.


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