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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 10:19 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian reports that Penguin Classics will offer schools sets of 100 books at £1 per title.
From Solomon Northrup’s 19th-century memoir about his years in captivity, Twelve Years a Slave, to classic novels such as Gulliver’s Travels and Madame Bovary, schools minister Nick Gibb is hoping to introduce secondary school pupils to a broad spectrum of literature “free from the constraints and analysis of public exams”.
Gibb first mooted the idea in November, telling publishers that “I want every secondary school to have a stock of classics such as Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre so that whole classes across the country can enjoy them together”, because “access to these wonderful novels shouldn’t be the preserve of the few”.
Scholastic was the first publisher to meet his challenge, offering 26 classics to schools for £1.50 per copy. Now Penguin Classics has chosen 100 out-of-copyright titles, which it is making available to schools for the equivalent of £1 per copy, including books ranging from Homer’s Odyssey to Henry James’s ghost story The Turn of the Screw, and from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden to Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent. [...]
[Simon Winder, publishing director of Penguin Classics] said it had been a “crushing responsibility” to select the 100 titles Penguin is offering. “Obviously you need the Brontës and George Eliot and Charles Dickens, but the fun bit was trying to spread it as widely as possible. So there’s some Chinese and Japanese and Arabic writing in there, as well as different religious texts,” said Winder. (Alison Flood)
This columnist from the Bluff Country Reader speaks about her niece reading Jane Eyre.
My niece, Allison, made my day last Friday when she sent me a note that she had started reading “Jane Eyre,” a book I gave her for Christmas. She said it was so good she couldn’t put it down and was nearly 100 pages into the book, even though she had just started it.
Of course, as a book lover myself and a former English teacher wannabe, her love for classic literature is just one more thing that creates a bond between us.
When I purchased “Jane Eyre” for her, I also found my copy so I’d have it ready when she started to read it. I read it “way back when” I was in high school, probably about her age, and again in college. I am actually looking forward to reading it again and hope Allison loves it as much as I do. (Melissa Vander Plas)
Aftonbladet (Sweden) reviews Anna Azcárate's Jane Eyre in Malmö.
På scenen mullrar det av åska. Röster viskar och det ekar olycksbådande av gälla skratt. Det är den galna kvinnan som Rochester håller gömd på vinden som gjort Jane Eyre till en feministisk klassiker. Den sinnessjuka är Rochesters hustru Bertha och sveket mot henne avgör saken för Jane Eyre. Hon identifierar sig instinktivt med den inlåsta då hennes egen erfarenhet som barn ekar i den vuxna kvinnan, Berthas. Det är en kvinnosolidarisk tolkning som också visar att den inlåsta kan bli fri.
Så övertygar Jane Eyre med sitt 150 år samtida kön/klass/fattig-fokus och påminner om att ingen kärlek är möjlig så länge den inte är jämlik. (Barbro Westling) (Translation)
The Sun features Leon Herbert, leader of the Creatives of Colour protesting about the absence of black nominees in the BAFTA film awards. According to him,
 "There's so many wonderful stories to be told in British history about people of colour. All we seem to get is Jane Eyre, Sherlock Holmes, Pride and Prejudice. We're like hamsters in a wheel. It goes around and around." 
Swedish actress and now director Pernilla August is interviewed by Variety:
What led to the decision to shoot the pic with hand-held camera and in 4:3 format?“ I am very much inspired by Andrea Arnold, especially ‘Wuthering Heights,’ which is also a true classic playing with the style in a modern way. That’s what we were looking for. It’s pure intuition. I have no motivation more than it’s very portrait-friendly.” (Jon Asp)
And Cine Vue reviews the film Being 17:
With a central pairing that resembles the rich and poor, wild and spoilt dynamic of Wuthering Heights, set in a landscape just as dramatic at the Yorkshire moors, Being 17 builds slowly the development of its character's feelings, as they fight against the identities they're at first sure of. (Harriet Warman)
LA Fringe Artists Examiner interviews composer Lucy Simon, who mentions her Wuthering Heights project.
FX: What other projects do you have planned for 2016? LS: I have a lot of music on the shelf. I would like to see if I can find homes for some of them. In particular, a musical of The Legend of Wuthering Heights that Marsha and I wrote after The Secret Garden. It is gorgeous. (Francis Xavier)
Another interview: The Huffington Post asks romance writer Jewel E. Ann about her favourite literary heroines.
In the dedication of the first book in the Jack and Jill Series, End of Day, you shout out to strong female characters. Who are some of your favorite literary heroines? I love Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Eyre, Katniss Everdeen, Nila Weaver, Eleanor Schreiber, Lisbeth Salander, Adler Brecken, Jillian Knight, Vivian Graham ... and the list goes on. Not all of my favorite characters are considered strong. I'm drawn to women who are flawed but show growth, forgiveness, and humility by the end of a book. I actually want to see heroines make epic mistakes and bad decisions. In truth, I want to see "character" in my favorite characters. (Mara White)
A Spanish au-pair living in the UK and telling Diario Digital de León about it is reading Wuthering Heights.Valentine's Day and the Brontës on AnneBrontë.org. Rereading Jane Eyre challenges the idea of Jane Eyre plainness. Afrika Bohemian on Tribe53 has read Jane Eyre. Rita Maria Martinez, author of The Jane and Bertha in Me, discusses Helen Burns and the National Theatre's Jane Eyre production recently screened around the world.


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